Never been to #BurningMan, never been sad about it.

Let's just say: no artist could create an installation that more effectively destroys the internal logic of the whole fucking thing, than driving hundreds of miles to bulldoze a climate protest so you can party in the middle of the desert, in the same summer where hundreds were murdered & poisoned by smoke in #Lahaina & #Yellowstone & across the #PacNW.


@chargrille Wild that these people will probably be referred to as climate extremists, even though the demands are so mild... the whole thing is a destructive single-use car-centric hell, the private jets are just the tip of the iceberg.

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You nailed it.

I was also surprised at the mildness of their demands.

The festival-goers opposing climate action are absolutely psychotic, but they believe they are normal because the media tells them - and all of us - that they are.

@chargrille @jroper Festival goers, by being festival goers degrade the environment. Cars parked on agricultural fields, grass trampled to become mud, tons of CO2 to get to and from festivals. Spreading COVID. Festival goers that are for the environment, are a paradox, because their cars are leaching hydrocarbons into the fields, along with the tents they abandon. I haven't even mentioned the noise pollution from the vandals.

I loved going to festivals when I was younger, but now that I am older, I see the fallacy of many festival goers

If you were speaking about Burning Man, then this festival is the most paradoxical of all. .

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