I wonder when we have reached the point where those terror scenarios from #ministryForTheFuture (assassination of fossil fuel executives, shooting down airplanes, etc) start being considered an option.

@vanderbeeken @rivoluzioneurbanamobilita In the fiction book #MinistryForTheFuture there is a global terror group emerging that commits terroristic activities to deter people from flying or to deter the fossil fuel industry from keeping destroying the planet. I wonder if it will ever come to that in reality, or what it would take for it to happen? Or have we already reached that point?

@mszll Some people describe XR that way but they don't go for violence (AFAIK). I don't think violent terrorism is very compatible with the typical humanist morality of people who want to slow climate change.

I think for outright terrorism you need a group of people who are very personally and immediately threatened *and* feel that there is some potential for their actions to change the situation. The latter is lacking with such a global problem, and the former for most...

@jroper yes, sounds like improbable conditions. Although with 8 bio people out there, some already existentially affected, plus now a leader of a COP to state such blatant lies, who knows. In the book it takes a huge wet-bulb event with millions of casualties (and more inaction) for this kind of scenario to unfold. Let's hope it never comes to that.


@mszll it will come to that, but the people immediately affected are so poor and far from power that assassinating fossil fuel executives or shooting down planes is out of their reach, is my prediction… most terrorism is very local and small scale even though the exceptions are memorable. Meanwhile people like us aren’t existentially affected and have too much to lose, no matter how much we say we care.

@jroper I just finished reading "How to blow up a pipeline", which is really about "why" and "when", not "how". Discusses exactly these questions systematically. TLDR: At this point there should be more targeted property damage happening (but never violence against humans), like against superyachts, SUVs, pipelines, as that could be justified and make the current absolute pacifist approaches more effective. Interesting book.

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