This morning in Paris, busy bike lane outside my great-aunt’s place 😍🚴

I really like these bike lanes that are level with the footpath. Don’t quite get why we’re so intent on building awkward little channels in Sydney. The cyclists weren’t encroaching on the footpath even when they were backed up, just queuing politely (though it seemed like the more impatient types use the road here instead).

@jroper Because Australians won't stay in the lane. Peds walk all over non-separated bike paths (see the Bay Run for an example) and riders will move onto the footpath if they think someone's in their way.

Plus look at the size of the footpath. Where do you find ones that size in an Australian city? No room for separate paths on Australian footpaths, already squeezed to give plenty of room to cars.


@rusted yeah, I am thinking about new builds. And in general the French, at least on the roads, aren’t known for being more law-abiding than Australians. It can be pretty chaotic here. Yet pedestrians and cyclists are keeping to their sides.

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