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@LAGilman that’s brilliant, I like puzzles but don’t need to keep them around and am always trying to find people to give them too.

@walk_sydney That's got to be one of the most at-capacity footpaths in the city (at least during uni hours).

@jakecoppinger Yeah, it seems like the link was available during the consultation period though. But yes should be no reason to take it down.

@jakecoppinger and wow, new heights of doublespeak:
"Does this mean Council is removing the cycleway?
No. Council is fully committed to delivering the East-West Regional Route, and a cycleway will be maintained on Heath Street. This proposal is to modify the separate cycleway."

There's so much traffic that we need to make it easy for cars to pass each other without slowing down. But there's also so little traffic that it's appropriate to just paint bikes on the road.

@jakecoppinger The many driveways emerging over the cycleway and through parked cars is a little awkward. Guessing they took the report down because it proffers removing the west-side parking as a solution, albeit always followed with 'a combined cycle and vehicle lane would be a safer outcome' (safer for who? not cyclists). And is easy to criticise in many ways....

I used to live in a deck-access flat in Port Macquarie, it was really nice propping the front/deck door open to get the breeze or sitting out in the afternoon sun once it was on that side of the building. Now I'm in a single frontage apartment with a nice orientation but no cross-ventilation, and I miss it.

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The idea that an outdoor corridor can be good is related to the idea that walking or cycling - travel exposed to the elements - can be good, I think. Both involve not living in an indoors - garage - car - indoors bubble.

Wouldn’t it be cute if the ALP enacted some boldly progressive policies now that they’ve got the entire mainland covered? Maybe we could stop torturing refugees? Actually tackle climate change? Massively invest in public services for a treat?

@mapsmania @johnefrancis @jd Oh yeah you're right, I assumed there were node results because it says nodes at the bottom right, but that's just the nodes on the ways; the query only returns ways.

@tom_andraszek When I was in construction we had company fleets of Workmate Hiluxes with trays, and they were all upgraded starting around 2016 to newer larger models with tubs. I didn’t know about urbanism or anything at the time and they still just looked… wrong to me. Like we’d gone from an extremely practical vehicle to one that was less useful, larger and heavier, in pursuit of… I don’t know.

You start using Bing because the AI is amazing, you start using maps, and see an edit button - brilliant!

You're editing Microsoft's map, right? Wrong! You'll probably miss it, but the 7 pixel grey text explains you're actually editing OpenStreetMap.

As the series of blog posts by @pietervdvn explain in detail:

> In other words, 99% of the users will never see this. 99.99% will never realize that they are editing OSM. This is not only in breach of the letter of the ODbL (and thus illegal), this flies into the face of everything what the OSM-community stands for. It strongly suggests that Microsoft actually wants: people contributing to Bing, not to OpenStreetMap.

Skip the middle man, and head to to edit the map! Hopefully Microsoft resolves the situation.

#openstreetmap #microsoft #bing #mapbuilder

@T2commuter so many transport promises, yet so conservative. The Greens are a bit more imaginative but not really well thought out.

@johnefrancis @jd @mapsmania The Ottawa map above appears to have been generated with the Overpass Turbo tool. This queries OpenStreetMap and returns parking as a point or a polygon depending what's in OSM.

The 50 cities in the linked report had additional manual analysis done to get more accurate maps - "manually added all parking based on Google Maps satellite imagery." (

@Transportist Some good responses there, shame someone had to waste all that space on ChatGPT...

Well this was very successful for finding new interesting people to follow! Sorry if I missed anyone that liked it, I'm sure we'll cross paths again. Thanks for all the boosts.

I am now following a brass band from Yorkshire, because naturally.

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@meaden thanks Jason! I mean you probably are cool if you’re here 🤔

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