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@michcampbell Last year I registered for the same conference twice 😅 . Only realised six months after when going through bank statements. But if I had doubts I could have easily found the answer through my own records!

@walk_sydney It's time to discuss resuming 1 carparking space per block for dedicated share bike parking before jumping to abolition.


Why is it so common for postdoc job ads to just be titled "Postdoctoral Fellow" or similar?? Give us a topic, field, faculty... anything

@milesmcbain I wonder if you could have offered through a third party? Probably would see through it now though.

@shermozle @jakecoppinger @walk_sydney Yes, we don't really work with the pedestrian council... new approaches needed!

@ajsadauskas @fuck_cars Most positive spin I can give Business Sydney is that they are concerned about difficulty operating genuine commercial vehicles (deliveries to shops etc) in the CBD, which is fair, delivering in the CBD already looks like a difficult job. But they should be onboard with ways to filter out the private traffic and keep the commercial... cordons and congestion charges being most obvious to me.

@danwwilson It's a lovely little tent. I've been struggling with SI joint pain (pregnancy) and my mother-in-law is not very fit, so my partner offloaded us and carried two tents, 4 pads and 4 sleeping bags. Thank goodness for modern lightweight gear!

Had a week off showing the in-laws (over from France for the first time) around Sydney and environs. Here's me having my morning coffee in 'bed' at Little Beach, Bouddi National Park :)

The sort of break that takes your mind off work effectively... but also makes you quite happy that it's over!

@richlitt sometimes people here don't appreciate it enough <3 it's pretty great

@richlitt what's in there?? Mine is 4 pages with PhD summary, work experience, publications, talks. But the margins are rather narrow.

@michcampbell As bad as they are, my worst is actually Quora 'influencers'.

@Transportist Wow! Having never heard of the Washington Examiner before, I would have assumed it was a 'normal' newspaper.

@Transportist @ajsadauskas Don't think so, but the station access fee has its own weekly cap which is equivalent to just 2 trips. Still, it means $50 weekly cap opal fare + $33 weekly cap airport access, so bus will be cheaper for people in the bus catchments.

@ajsadauskas Thanks for the mention, all these follows are a good reminder to get back on here!

I sortof dropped off over Christmas and then found my 'priority' list wasn't loading when I came back, which makes it a lot less motivating to check here.. Seems to be working now though.

@sanae please share if you find some! I'm the same with carbon offsets - like I know there's a reason that Qantas' offsets don't make taking a joyride over Antarctica ok, but it's an accumulation of reading lots of things, and vibes.

writing my thesis in VSCode today... feels like I've become some kind of VSCode addict

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