One week left to tell the minns gov that their epping bridge widening is a dumb waste of money that belongs in the 1990s:

I asked a liberal pamphleteer in epping about it and he enthusiastically told me that it was their idea first and I told him it's not to late to reconsider!

#Sydney #auspol #public

Husband's new ride for his metro + bike commute. Haven't got to try it yet - it better be comfortable! (We're sharing for now as I figure anytime I'm going out without the baby, he'll be with the baby, so no need for two bikes.)

There are also a lot of cyclists, like more people cycling around during the day than in Sydney, despite hardly any delivery cyclists.

Could be flatness, or a summer only phenomenon, could be because the public transport is inferior, could be lack of helmet laws, could even be that the grid street network is highly navigable? Easy to remember which streets have bike lanes (and they aren't afraid of putting them on 'main' streets) and to work out which streets will be quiet local streets.

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First day in Toronto! Trying not to be too disturbed by the number of bloated vehicles 🤐

On the plus side I really like this bike lane design. Level so you can easily get off and boost the local economy, but with trees and street furniture between bikes and the footpath to provide a bit of separation.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!