
Is there anyone from the movement on here to talk to? I'm very interested to learn more.

Telraam data has been cited a lot recently and am keen to understand the context.

(would appreciate boosts for reach all the way to the Pacific)

@bradyhunch @rob_telraam I'm involved but I also know people who are much more actively involved. I'm not familiar with Telraam specifically or how it's been used but I'll ask around

@sanae ooh, that's exciting to have already followed someone who might know :)

There's been some bird-site chatter about data, so please excuse this external link:

I just don't know much about the campaigns and issues


The short version is that the city has created a program to create a bunch of low traffic streets that you can walk on and that are more bike friendly:

This plan has just been made permanent and will probably expand to happen more broadly thoughout the city, although getting community support will probably be necessary.

However, these sensors have been used on Lake Street which is sort of a special case...


This program has been broadly popular but contentious in certain places, especially around Lake Street, where some wealthy and politically well connected people who live in a nearby neighborhood are accustomed to treating Lake Street as a high speed through street. They have managed to repeatedly interfere with the official process, which I guess has made it more important to collect data independently that can be used to advocate for this

@sanae that's really interesting, and useful

these are insights hard to gain from regular write-ups about programs

I've never been to SF so hard to fully absorb, but am trying to get to know the issues

@rob_telraam here's some context:

i wasn't fully involved with all of this, but can try and answer questions if you have any

@bambipotf thank you 🙏

the data used in this toot is from our Telraam device

I'm trying to understand more about the local context so we can do even more to help :)

@rob_telraam those devices are awesome! have been really helpful in getting quick charts after street changes. do they detect bikes accurately?

@bambipotf the current device (V1) detects bikes + motorbikes fairly well, but doesn't break them out. The new S2 (coming 2023) will do that and even better!

Am excited to bring that to market in April or so

@rob_telraam awesome, looking forward to it. how would we get some more here in the US?

@bambipotf exactly what I'm trying to work on. With the right partners to make it happen, I think it could well be on the cards!

We'd love to see Telraam all over SF (and encouraging slow streets!)

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