@davidzipper interesting article, but can I add a couple of extra thoughts?

1. autonomous cars might be best not for shared rides, but as shared vehicles. You can still take a 'private' journey, but you no longer need a private car in order to do that - you just get one to turn up when needed. The result may be similar number of journeys, but many fewer vehicles required. This addresses the issue of urban parking as well as car production



2. these shared vehicles, as part of an overall shift away from private car ownership, would still allow for use of cars for journeys where this was the best mode, easing the overall transition to a better, more active and less impactful transport mix

3. in any case, autonomous vehicles may be best for 'routes' (e.g. deliveries, commutes, or travel to a 'hub') and not be required for the truly complex door-to-door model we currently imagine

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@benfulton @davidzipper an autonomous vehicle could also be a bus 😉

but the point is that not all journeys need to be 'any point' to 'any point' but could in fact be pre-planned and therefore easier to deal with

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