
The rules are a bit stupid, as they asked us to count e-scooters as personal vehicles. So read “car” as a “non-pedalled mobility device”, i.e. e-scooters and electric unicycles.

#PedalPoll2023 #counterpointapp


@Anibyl if you're interested in traffic counts on your street, do check out the Telraam S2 which does this, but automatically from your window.

E-scooters are an issue still to be fully resolved even here (more likely to be categorised as pedestrians by the AI) but we're working on it.

@rob_telraam There just isn't a demand for such data, unfortunately. #Vancouver cannot address issues on routes with already known usage data, at least not with current council.

Pedal Poll is just once-a-year counting event which doesn't really need automation.

Cool technology though! I hope that cities that actually want to use research results can benefit from it.

#BikeYVR #ABCVancouver #Telraam

@Anibyl I've actually had some conversations about with several different people, so maybe there is some demand (somewhere) 😀 !!

What might be more interesting is the multimodal count on more streets rather than just a focus on bike traffic - to put cycling in context.

Plenty of budget for car data, so we combine the data gathering so it is useful for more purposes (e.g. traffic modelling)

Certainly would love to do more in lovely Vancouver!

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