When you get the urge to play devil's advocate, stop and ask yourself if you're really just wanting to feel like you have the power to demand free mental labor from someone you've already decided not to respect.

The pattern is all too common

Her, an actual expert: Here's a thing I know
Him: I don't believe you. Is there evidence?
Her: Yes
Him: But what these strawmen?
Her: Here's why those are strawmen
Him: LOL Just playing devil's advocate but I need proof
Her: Here's a pile of publications I found in 6 seconds on google scholar
Him: I still need to see the data
Her: [sends link to publicly available data]
Him: Ok thanks I needed this to reassure myself you weren't hysterical

Stop it.

SeaLioning I think this is called, in addition to gender infuriating crap


@jamesbicycle @DrTCombs

(One of the delightful parts of the internet is when we can literally point directly to the origins of a term—like this:

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