Started rewatching The Good Place. I still can’t believe that this show made it to air on network TV. Such an AppleTV show nowadays.

Editing dating profiles to seek my (next) eleanor shellstrop

@bikepedantic as a late Gen X/geriatric millennial who married on the early side, it’s the only one I have direct experience with. The 00s… What a time to be alive.

@Will I never did any online dating ever, at all. Weird new frontiers for me.

@bikepedantic @Will when my kid was one I was at the playground and met a mom who’d met her spouse on JDate. I had no idea what that was.


@geoff_green @bikepedantic @Will J Date, the Jewish dating site!

There are a lot more interest- and culture-specific dating sites now, but I think that was one of the earliest... Which, uh, doesn't surprise me much, tbh....

@swiderski a hindu indian friend of mine had to navigate the weirdness of his parents putting him on one of the many arranged-marriage sites that exist for that. having a field for your caste - a bit shocking to this judeo-xtian canadian. @geoff_green @Will

@bikepedantic @swiderski @geoff_green both my cousins are dating/engaged to Hindu men, and I have no idea what caste or whatever they are assigned to. I do detect that they are aware of each other’s, that it isn’t the same, and they walk on eggshells about it as American born/raised, but still caste-aware people.

@Will i've sort of gently tried to engage two different US-born hindu friends in discussion about caste, and they both sort of shy away from it. That caste-aware phenomena, and probably a lot of complicated feelings around it.

I should spend a bit less time on the gross apps and try to learn more about that instead! @swiderski @geoff_green

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