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interesting-sounding webinar, for planners, geographers, and more:

"The next webinar in the U.S. Access Board’s Section 508 Best Practices Webinar Series will take place Tuesday, September 26 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (ET) and introduce the concept, development, tools, and benefits of creating and using accessible maps…."

”Disability affects everyone at some point in their lives, and we“—all of us, planners, designers, engineers, architects, policymakers, and everyone else—”have an ethical and legal obligation to ensure a person with disabilities has the same access as anyone else.“

After nearly two decades in development (and a few in the regulatory wilderness), is finally here. More on what it covers and what it doesn't—and how Toole Design can help with both:


About to start work on a guide to designing streets and sidewalks to be accessible for neurodiverse* people and those with cognitive and developmental disabilities.

planners, designers, and others in and around the field, if you've seen or are familiar with such guidance — non-US welcome — please let me know!

(* Specifically autism spectrum disorder, but I'd happily go beyond that if you've got relevant resources.)

Please also consider calling on behalf of the roughly 700,000 of us in DC who don't have Senators to call.

Hey, if you're in Washington state, please call Senator Cantwell's office. According to this article (paywall-free link), Cantwell is one of the people pushing hardest for KOSA, which Republicans have admitted will be used to drive LGBTQIA+ content off the internet. (Everyone else, also please call your Senators!)

not sure if it's a this-instance thing or if it's a setting I unwittingly set, but this thing where as I scroll the little link preview card thing (as seen at left) flips into a giant link preview that takes up half my screen (right) is getting a little old.

if this is something I accidentally chose, how do I turn it off?

if this is a server choice, for the love of god, (a) why (b) make it stop.

About to start work on a guide to designing streets and sidewalks to be accessible for neurodiverse* people and those with cognitive and developmental disabilities.

planners, designers, and others in and around the field, if you've seen or are familiar with such guidance — non-US welcome — please let me know!

(* Specifically autism spectrum disorder, but I'd happily go beyond that if you've got relevant resources.)

The American Planning Assoc. member survey asks if you're interested in pursuing AICP certification -- and, if not, what or who influenced you not to....

@DrTCombs @bikepedantic @largess @pedbikeinfo could omit the word bicyclist

"If we're serious about traffic safety, we're making things safer for bicycling even in contexts where getting more people to choose to bike is unlikely."

@bikepedantic @largess @pedbikeinfo Boosting @bikepedantic's reply here doesn't feel nearly strong enough. I would like to shout it from the rooftops, please.

"If we're serious about bicyclist safety, we're making things safer for bicycling even in contexts where getting more people to choose to bike is unlikely."

… and others whose names were never released.

Hundreds are killed while riding in the US every year—over 1,000 in 2022.

Tonight, and over 200 cities across the country and around the world pause to honor those we've lost with a and from our local and national leaders & DOTs.

, meet at 6:30pm at 14th & PA NW, roll at 7.

Find other rides at

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TONIGHT: , honoring those killed while riding bikes and scooters—20 in the last ten years, including Samuel Kesselman, Shawn O’Donnell, Michael Gordon, Michael Hawkins Randall, Allison Hart, Jim Pagels, Armando Martinez-Ramos, Michael Williams, David Farewell, Dave Salovesh, Tom Hollowell, Carlos Sanchez Martin, Jeffrey Hammond Long, Dominique Antonio Lewis, Malik Habib, Burgess Johnson, Dan Neidhardt, Jerrel Robert Elliott, Christopher Brewer, Tonya Reaves, Andre Brands, …

I need to create an online sign-up sheet with day/time slots people can sign up for and a limit on the number of people who can sign up for each slot. This sign up sheet must be accessible to people using screen readers.

I gather from replies to this that Doodle is no longer as accessible as it once was. Anyone have an alternative that is usable via screen readers?


It shouldn't be a surprise to find a municipal Vision Zero Action Plan explicitly calling out "the 94% myth" and the difference in where other parts of the world put the fault and responsibility for road safety....

...but, here we are.

Good morning especially to the 37,000 households who'll one day sleep & laugh & kiss & watch TV in homes made possible by Oregon's new parking reform

The figure is 10% of Gov. Tina Kotek's 10-year housing target...

and that's in the Portland suburbs alone

There's no such thing as "cut-through" traffic on public roads. It's just traffic.

If you're restricting movements solely to take traffic off of some streets, you are:

*at best, taking the coward's way out of reducing traffic systemwide
*at worst, systematically discriminating against the people who live, work, walk, and bike on the streets you don't mitigate.

I designed a little #sticker celebrating one of my favorite #USCensus products: TIGER. The official logo is already super cool, and so I just added some type. The print arrived today and it's pretty neat. I may tweak the size and shape and try a different sticker vendor for v2, but overall I'm happy with how it turned out.

Virginia Tech’s Blacksburg campus imposed mandatory e-scooter parking corrals in January 2022. Ridership plummeted; per this new study (from my grad school advisor), riders said "corrals were not located where needed, difficult to find, fully occupied, and took too much extra time to use."

A cautionary tale for other places seeking to impose new restrictions on micromobility parking. Make sure you don't obliterate the service in the process.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!