
complaining about dull content you see on mastodon but you only follow 117 people

@bikepedantic Ok, dumb question time: is there a way to see the follows of people I follow who are outside this server?

@BenHarris_1 Yes! But you have to look at their profile on their server. You get there by clicking this link

@BenHarris_1 @bikepedantic You may have to go their server to see who they follow. Like for you, I have to go to.


@bikepedantic i was just looking for this meme, thanks! (here is a handy one for you)

@bikepedantic I only follow 48 people, but they're interesting and post a lot... So works for me. Will continue to follow more people though.

@vespasianvs @bikepedantic do other people tend to read all of mastodon, ie start where they left off yesterday? I find I want to so I don’t miss the best stuff, in the absence of an algorithm. But doing so is already a bit long and restricts the number of people I want to follow.

(Maybe partly an Australian problem because I wake up to a lot of posts from overnight.)

@jroper @bikepedantic I also do a morning catch up, usually over a cup of tea. I've gotten good ad scrolling through the feed and only reading in detail the ones that really interest me. I'll be honest, I have also muted a couple of people I follow as they seem to reblog *everything*. One think I'm loving with Mastodon over twitter is I get to choose my feed, not some algorithm.

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