Hypothesis: Six-lane arterials do not belong in cities. They are inherently dangerous, uncomfortable, have a barrier effect, and antagonistic to any activity outside a motor vehicle.

Support: Walmart on H St NW going under.


@bikepedantic I agree with the hypothesis, but are you referring to h st or n cap here? I used to shop here several times a week, and I’m not sure the lack of pedetrianism at this particular spot is necessarily attributable to one street or another.


@Jerbaron its immediate frontage on H, but the fact that it's more generally in a somewhat dead intersection of downtown is probably helped along by being wedged between 395, N Cap, and H.

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@bikepedantic agreed. It also doesn’t help that k will always be preferable for crossing n cap and accessing NE, Cobb park has been closed for like 5 years, and the gpo/Douglas buildings offer nothing for anyone else. If they start enforcing the new bus lanes on H, we’ll see

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