whiny oversharing 

Working in active transportation requires some optimism, that I already had in short supply before... I am really struggling to imagine a happy career future.

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic I drove down Garden Street for the first time since the bike lanes the other day, and it was so much more pleasant than it used to be. While active transportation advocacy is always going to be hard, when we succeed, it's really lovely.


whiny oversharing 

@crschmidt i have a lot of moments when i'm out riding that i'm downright inspired to the point of ecstacy. But it's hard in the day-to-day in the bureaucracy to connect to that feeling.

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re: whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic @crschmidt do you think more of us would help the situation any? Currently I think I would love to be in civic tech but it is something I'm concerned about... 🙉​

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