
whiny oversharing 

Working in active transportation requires some optimism, that I already had in short supply before... I am really struggling to imagine a happy career future.

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whiny oversharing 

An underrated benefit of mastodon is that literally none of your coworkers are on here

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic would that this were true... (But honestly, the ones who are here are the ones I like.)

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic Your purpose is now to prevent your position from being filled by a car person

whiny oversharing 

@pleaseclap my boss actually had to fight to prevent that from happening in advance of my hiring. But yeah, it's always a danger

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic I drove down Garden Street for the first time since the bike lanes the other day, and it was so much more pleasant than it used to be. While active transportation advocacy is always going to be hard, when we succeed, it's really lovely.

whiny oversharing 

@crschmidt i have a lot of moments when i'm out riding that i'm downright inspired to the point of ecstacy. But it's hard in the day-to-day in the bureaucracy to connect to that feeling.

re: whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic @crschmidt do you think more of us would help the situation any? Currently I think I would love to be in civic tech but it is something I'm concerned about... 🙉​

whiny oversharing 

@crschmidt @bikepedantic but it’s so ugly with paint and bollards (an argument an old white dude actually made)

whiny oversharing 

@Ofsevit @crschmidt @bikepedantic

Garden Street is nice, now we need to do the rest of it.

whiny oversharing 

@crschmidt @bikepedantic I was at a fancy annual dinner for a private Cambridge civic organization the other day (they were giving my daughter an award), and the keynote speaker was our new city manager. I liked him, but when Q&A time came, he got bombarded with long angry rants about my two favorite recent city accomplishments: the AHO and bike lanes. It is *incredible* how much anger there is; it must be so hard to work in these fields!

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic lordy it is a tough space to work in, especially day to day. I went to see Together We Cycle a few months ago though and it gave me some hope for achieving change in my lifetime. When I moved to DC in 2014, we had 15th, L and M St were brand new and that was IT for the region, PA Ave didn't have barriers even! But tomorrow, I am going to ribbon cutting for a short VDOT built cycletrack complete with bus pads.

whiny oversharing 

@bikepedantic Thank you for your work!!! I really appreciate it.

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