So AI is gonna do the thinking, researching, and driving for us, but my Roku can’t consistently display at a resolution that matches my unchanging television. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool.

In my normie experience, there’s no tech that is glitch-free. I can live with glitches like “we only get to watch the upper northwest quadrant of this disney movie until I manually futz with the settings.”

"Tech" isn't a monolith. So this whole gripe is a bit of a fallacy.

But when dummies like me are hard-rebooting their rokus, still dealing with blue-screens-of-death, and can't get automatic faucets to actuate, we can't help but wish that the fictional "tech" monolith came close to perfecting the things that it has delivered, before it tries to replace all human creativity and adaptation.

@bikepedantic At the same time though, the argument I hear from the tech boosters is always: "oh, but that's consumer grade tech you're dealing with. We promise we'll put something better in the AI you'll need to interact with critical systems in the future. Trust us."

Yeah? You promise? And you'll make good decisions for me about what is and isn't critical? And I'll get the good stuff even if I can only afford 'consumer grade?'

@DrTCombs @bikepedantic If "self-driving" cars needed to go through an IRB before we allowed them to beta-test on actual roads, would any of them pass?


@Malaclypse i'd survey IRBs on that question, but still waiting for IRB clearance on that survey @DrTCombs

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@bikepedantic @Malaclypse Any IRB that approves beta testing of autonomous driving tech on public roads without informed consent of test subjects needs to be disbanded.

Because obviously the risk of harm is enormous.

flipside though is that leaves the beta testing to private companies who have obvious conflicts of interest, zero oversight, biased research designs, and no reason to make their data public.

yay we're all effed tbh.

@Marrekoo Institutional REview Boards, they're internal panels at universities and other research institutions that review studies primarily to ensure the safety and protection of the participants (sorry for being so bureaucratic!) @DrTCombs @Malaclypse

@bikepedantic @DrTCombs @Malaclypse ah. AFAIK the studies in NL that I've been involved in have done this. But those were on semi public roads, always had a vehicle steward and speeds not in excess of 15 kph.

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