
Waiting at a corner at a light to change aboard my rather-unique cargobike, a VW Golf packed with my kid’s classmates screamed out, “HI ELLIE’S DAD!!!”

I cannot overstate the ego boost that results from operating a vehicle that makes you locally famous(ish) with kids.

@bikepedantic your Googly Eye game is extremely on point, you deserve this acclaim.

@Will I don’t know why the rest of you aren’t stealing this, it’s so awesome

@bikepedantic have you not seen my coffee machine? My kids love it. I did the same treatment on our old dishwasher and oven, and my wife didn’t like that as much as I did.

@bikepedantic I don't have googly eyes or any other interesting exterior decorations on my Urban Arrow, but I'm continually amazed how many people roll down their window or shout from across the street to say how cool they think it is. Such a difference from my work commute on a regular bike where the majority of driver interactions are them trying to pass me when they shouldn't.

@bikepedantic The power that unique bikes like yours and SCUL have for recognisability is always so awesome and makes me wish I had more ideas for my bikes

@max_in_somer @bikepedantic stickers, colorful bar tape/grips, colorful pedals, bottle cages, and colorful brake/shift cable housing are all options to make an off the shelf bike a little more distinctive!

@max_in_somer @bikepedantic (also if anyone knows who owns the bike in the background of that pic I want to be friends with them because they have good aesthetic taste!)

@bikepedantic I’ve seen you out and about too! I love your shark bike!

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