Brief pause to sing the praises of yoga. Two weeks of consistent 15 minutes most days, lots of nagging pains are gone, and i'm running faster and without pain for the first time in forever.

@bikepedantic my daughter now insists that i do yoga in her room as she falls asleep, and while this is probably forming terrible sleep habits that will come back to bite me later, it really is amazing how beneficial mandatory evening yoga is so i'm right there with ya (minus crush on instructor 🤣)

@airbrycki bedtime routine for mine involves just laying there for 20 minutes til she dozes off (gotta ween her off of this somehow), i wish i could cram in my yoga time then!


@airbrycki i have to use up my 'golden hour' (the space of time between her going to sleep and me getting into bed) to do stupid exercise.

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@bikepedantic haha i was in the same boat! the yoga routine seems to be a soothing win-win for both of us. highly recommend if you can swing it!

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