I invite anyone who argues that are overkill to come live my life for a week. And I'll go live your life, in your superfit body that never sweats, on your awesome infrastructure that accommodates you and your kids, hauling around your weightless groceries.

You can live in my wonky middle-aged body still inflamed from , at the bottom of the hill my city is famous for, in heat and humidity, on roads that will get your kids killed if they're not strapped to you.

@DrTCombs I can't tell you how excited I am to get my ebike next month!!!! My overweight, rod-in-my-back, achy knee, middle-aged body wouldn't get on a regular bike. The ebike I'm getting is a step through and I can sit upright, something I need for my back. And I'll be able to replace trips to Target & Aldi that would be in my car with an ebike trip!! Uphill both ways!

So people need to embrace the ebikers who are doing it despite their physical ability to ride a bike!

@somcak I'm so excited for you! What did you decide to get?

@DrTCombs The Aveton Soltera 7 Step-through. It's fully covered by the voucher program. the cost was always what was holding me back, so this voucher program was such a blessing!

You'll know when I get it because I expect to spam here with all the pics!

@somcak i didn't want to horn in when you asked @DrTCombs for bike model advice, but i have a strong pro-Aventon bias and am very happy that this was your choice, and wish you many happy rides

@bikepedantic @DrTCombs I was taking any and all advise! The Aventon brand was recommend by a couple of people, and due to the rod in my back, there were few that could accommodate me sitting up on a bike. The step-through was the perfect option! Plus, we can use the voucher to add a basket on the front and a rack on the back, we think. We'll find out more of what the voucher covers on Thursday. If the basket/rack aren't covered, we can swing them on our own.


@somcak @bikepedantic I would have welcomed the horning because when anyone asks me for ebike recommendations all I can think about is the tern gsd2 I'm drooling over but can neither afford nor justify

@DrTCombs @somcak @bikepedantic I don't like the Gen 2 as well as the Gen 1. It's heavier (e.g. solid running boards vs Gen 1 lower decks, metal fenders vs plastic), the suspension fork is not great (some having to rebuild after 600 mi!), it's more crank forward which doesn't work for me, the locking kickstand & saddle have known issues, and the price!

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