10 miles into the 600-mile drive to visit my sister for Christmas, my car's transmission* went belly up. Fortunately we had a plan B and were still able to celebrate the holidays with family, but the spectre of having to pay for a new transmission loomed. Having to buy a whole new car would have been terrifying indeed.

Cars are prohibitively expensive. It's stupid how much we've forced ourselves to depend on them.


@DrTCombs my radicalization resulted directly from a blown engine in my car in 1999

@bikepedantic I can relate. Mine began when my car was totaled by a runaway canoe in 2001.

@DrTCombs @bikepedantic Your subsequent explanation in this thread provides context (yikes!), but on its own this post is delightfully provocative. Here’s a canoe and bike image to complement it.


@uxmark @bikepedantic

I do enjoy that it was arguably the world's most serene form of transportation that wrecked my car.

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