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This intersection, at Burning Tree Rd and Raleigh Rd in
has a greenway that dumps us 10' away from the crosswalk. The crosswalk has an automatic walk signal, which is nice, but that signal means diddly squat for safety. Because at the same it's telling us to go into the crosswalk, drivers from 3 different directions have permission to cross the crosswalk. Yes, legally drivers must yield to crosswalk users but in practice, they rarely do.

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twitter, offensive language 

I've kept my twitter account just to keep my username claimed. Why anyone would continue to post actual content there is a mystery.

The sun will be almost 50% covered when our local elementary schools are letting out. We're going to have crazy cool light out.
If you're driving, please remember that your primary job is to not hit anyone, ok? Wait until you get home to stare at the sun.

Simulation link:

We're sure this guy checked his blind spot before veering into the bike lane to pass another car on the right in an intersection, right?

This picture was captured from a camera mounted on the handlebars of my bike, approximately three and a half feet off the ground, as I was dropping my kid off at soccer practice.

This week in Complete, Safe, Equitable Streets: Matching walking and biking infrastructure to environment, traffic, and population contexts.

Lesson 1: Grading the appropriateness of infrastructure based on SEVDEA principles: Separation, Elevation, Visibility, Dedication, Accommodation, and Escapability

The kid's grown six inches in two years and still isn't tall enough to be seen over the hood of these ridiculous death machines prowling our neighborhood streets.

Trying to think of something witty to say about the truck full of leafblowers blocking the bike lane (and parked facing the wrong direction) today but I'm all out of gas.

Four years ago today my kid's school shut down and I coped by making a list of cities that were closing streets to cars so kids could play in them.

Shortly thereafter, I took to social media for help documenting what would soon be a global phenomenon.

It was a hell of a ride.


Peterson turned 2 weeks old yesterday. He's starting to show some age--he has little less poof--and has been relocated from the kitchen counter to a secluded bookshelf for his safety. He is still valiantly soldiering along though, constantly overwhelming the temptation of playing with the ipad with his mere existence.

We celebrated Peterson's one week anniversary yesterday. Our brave hero--born from a handful of puppy floof, 2 earplugs, and a broken bit of chalk--has successfully protected our screen-loving kiddo (from playing dumb video games her school signed her up for) for over 7 gloriously happy days.

This was never our intent, but the kid loves , and hasn't once considered dislodging him in order to access the ipad.

The door handle to my classroom fell off in my hand this morning, and it went downhill from there.
No Wi-Fi, no cables, no microphone, no white board markers. Grateful to my 80 students for just rolling with it though!!

This is Peterson. Underneath Peterson is the kid's ipad, which has lately become a source of strife. The ipad is not off limits, but using it would require destroying Peterson, who, being composed entirely of puppy floof leftover from a recent beard trim, is very fragile.

Peterson is entering his 3rd day of life today.

We have no idea how much longer our brave little hero will survive, but we salute him.

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