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Maybe we're all just a little more empathetic when we're groggy?

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I dislike things with misleading labels, and especially despise , but this morning's to school was surprisingly uneventful. No close passes, no cat calls (yes at 45 with a kid on board it still happens), no one using the as their personal car storage area.

It was...nice.
Can we please do it like this everyday?

Oh yay it's . Because pitch darkness was exactly what was missing from the "sharing the road with ragey drivers on the morning " experience.

Drivers routinely bomb down our street and blast through the stop sign in front of our house. Dinners are frequently punctuated with my fruitless shouts of "SLOW DOWN!" Our efforts at getting traffic calming measures installed haven't succeeded, so my partner is trying a different approach: with a 50-yr old sewing machine and a crash course from my mom, he's making curtains.

oh, turns out it was just , showing surprisingly good judgment for once.

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I'd just like to point out that the citation style guide for the American Medical Association refuses to acknowledge the as a valid reference.

984! Woohooooooo

I hope y'all like videos of fallible humans driving overpowered vehicles for which they have insufficient training on roadways designed to encourage recklessness and bad decision-making in a capitalist system that promotes distraction, fatigue, and entitlement.

Oh and puppies, too.

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I'm only 986 subscribers away from monetizing my youtube channel

Tab Combs boosted

We ended the pandemic the same way we ended climate changed

We didn't. It was used to steal tax dollars and profiteer with things like keeping wages low, jacking housing costs, jacking food costs, and pushing the public into more debt while saying "WORK HARDER FOR US OR ELSE"

When fuel and housing prices dropped they freaked out and forced people back into unsafe offices and schools 1/2

I don't know what exhausts me more: people in the US who complain when other people get around by bike, or people in the US who complain when other people don't get around by bike.

Our streets are hostile.

Tab Combs boosted

@DrTCombs new reg: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" printed on every steering wheel. Bold print on jeeps.

Drivers parking in a ...check
Drivers speeding in a ...check
Drivers overtaking into on-coming traffic that includes a ...check

Just your average 5.7 seconds trying to get the kid to school alive without a car.

Tomorrow is . In the 364 days since the last , people who identify as & girls in the US have seen our rights to our own bodies stripped away, gaslighting intensified, online abuse we endure racheted up.

I frequently reflect on those few weeks a year ago when the twitterverse had a vague sense that I was a guy, and stopped gaslighting me, sealioning me, or outright attacking me:

Things are going very well for my and it would be nice if he could stop gloating about it.

Also please note that that time you almost got run over by a cyclist on the sidewalk was not because people on bikes are jerks. It's because most roads (at least in the US) don't give people on bikes a better option.

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And to be clear I will not accept any argument that smells remotely like "e-bikes are cheating" or "well, ok, maybe if you're old" as having been made in good faith.

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There's a claim making the rounds on the birdsite today that the uptick in will destroy in the US and it's once again making me wonder, what is it about e-bikes that pisses so many people off?

It's very well established in the literature that , (including with e-assistance), & are highly complementary modes. Policies that support any one of them support the others. What is it about , specifically, that make some people forget this?

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!