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funny how much room we think cars need.

our 36' residential street is being resurfaced. it's 2/3 done. drivers are treating the 12' that's still milled up as not-road, and just going about their business as if it's a 24' road, slowly, cautiously, politely....exactly as they should be.

can we just leave it this way please? Better yet, slap some flexiposts up and call it a multi-use path!!

Do you like learning about high quality, novel, interesting research on relationships between and from authors all over the world? If so, give the independent, peer-reviewed, open access of and Land Use a follow:

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Ok people: what's the best way to carry a bouquet of by ? It's both day and and both needs must be met!!

@BarbChamberlain I feel like you have immense knowledge here

Our usual route being repaved today, we took a chance on the crossing from hell on the way home from school.

Yep, still hell.

hate having to ask this, but what are our most trusted AI detectors for writing assignments?

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ICYMI: Your favorite independent, peer-reviewed, open access journal for original research on interactions between #transport and #landuse is now on #linkedin!

Check out our page for in-depth conversations about the research published in JTLU:

#AcademicTooter #AcademicPublishing #Academia

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New #OpenAccess #research in JTLU:

“Bicycle use in the university community: Empirical analysis using MobiCampus-UdL data (Lyon, France)” by Nathalie Havet and Louafi Bouzouina with the Urban Planning, Economics, and Transport Laboratory, Université de Lyon.
Available at

#cycling #biketooter #campusmobility #bikeshare


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New in JTLU: "TOD effects on travel behavior: A synthesis of evidence from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies" by Bin Chi & Jinwoo (Brian) Lee at UNSW.

This review emphasizes that while private vehicle use remains high in #transit oriented development (TOD) areas—especially for non-commuting trips—longitudinal studies reveal limited effects of #TOD on changing #Travel Behavior, highlighting the influence of individual travel attitudes and long-term habit changes.

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funny how often "data driven" is used as an excuse to prop up the status quo

It is by definition *not* an email if I have to go log into a special website to view it, and can only respond via that special website, and only if I happen to know the magic icon on the screen that will open up a reply window if I click it.

That's a PM. And a stupid platform to boot.

(sorry, if you're not into end-of-semester anti-bureaucracy mini-rants you might want to do a timed mute for a few days)

Everybody's a fan of free market capitalism until we start talking about college athletes getting paid for their work.

(retooted after getting permission to screenshot the original)

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💯 This is not urban planning. This is disgusting market speculation and it's against everything urban planning should be. ⬇️

I accidentally almost bought a $64 water bottle holder for my bike.

Who are these people paying $64 for a water bottle holder??? Yes, it was pretty, but people this is really getting out of hand.
I will bike alongside you and hold your water for $64.

Odds are, you'll know and love at least one of them. Or maybe you'll be the one to kill them.

We need Safe Streets Now.

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We are fed PSAs to remind us that 'safety is a shared responsibility,' and then we watch while absolutely no one steps up to take their share.I am sick and tired of watching our roads get deadlier and deadlier for people who aren't driving, while our approach to transportation improvements in most cases is more of the same.Some places are working hard to fix our broken system (h/t for giving it a go). But it's a race against time. 40,000 people will die on our roads this year.

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We've created a world in which it's patently unsafe for a kid to walk or bike to school on their own anymore because we refuse to force people in cars to take an ounce of responsibility for anyone's welfare but their own. We refuse to inconvenience anyone in a car so that a little kid might have safe passage across a street. We install BS 'yield to pedestrian' signs so our local governments can point fingers at drivers when they run someone down, rather than actually making intersections safe.

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This dude came from the far travel lanes, making a left turn at a flashing yellow arrow that says, "hey dude, if you can find a gap to turn through, go for it!" Which means he's looking up the road for a gap he can gun his roadtank through, and not at a little kid on a bike doing her best to follow the instructions on that tiny sign that, at this moment, are telling her to cross the street. Don't worry kid, I'm sure that guy will see tiny you and stop, even if it means he might get t-boned.

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