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There is a school bus driver here with a history of somewhat antagonistic behavior toward people on bikes (at least, toward my kid and me).

We encounter her everyday on our ride to school, and she never fails to honk after we pass each other. Why, IDK.

Today, she added "sticking her tongue out at us" to her routine, and it was all I could do to not fall off my bike laughing.

You win this round, angry bus driver lady.

If we truly want people to follow instructions, then those instructions must always be consistent. Red must always mean stop. It cannot be conditional.

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I love it when you sit in the rain for 3 minutes, obediently waiting for a walk signal, only to have some jerk who just showed up plow through the crosswalk right when the light changes like it's his god given right.

The fight to may literally be the hill I die on. When drivers are sometimes allowed to turn right on red, then they will always assume they can turn right on red, regardless of any other cues in their environment.

It's gobsmacking how many third party private companies are involved in public education in the US.

Why can't we just fund schools, pay teachers, and recognize scammy gimmicks for what they are???

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There are also requests to submit a video of my child talking about how much fun they are having and vague promises of a grand prize trip to Disney. As well as "epic character building experiences" along the way.

All I have to do is register my child, submit a headshot, enter my credit card information into a secure portal "that's just like what major banks use" use, authorize a random 3rd party to charge an undisclosed amount my said card based on how many laps they make my kid run.

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Look. I know I'm cynical, but I'm just not comfortable using my credit card to pledge money to a private company that will then coerce my child to run laps around a gym while calling it a "Fun Run" in order to increase the amount of money said company 'gives' back to my child's school.

But I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Anyone out here ever heard of a company called "My Booster" or maybe "Boosterthon" (it's unclear)?

I'm trying to get the academic journal I work with a larger audience. What journals do you follow, and where do you follow them?

We're here, on bsky, and linkedin, but still haven't regained the audience we left behind when we left the old place.


It's time to play everyone's favorite game, "Which login does this journal want?!"

is so broken.

That blissful sweet spot between 'we don't need to pay for childcare anymore' and 'competitive youth soccer costs HOW MUCH???!!!" did not last nearly as long as I hoped it would

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We're here, but DYK you can also find us on LinkedIn ( and Bluesky (

Where else would you like to see original, high quality peer-reviewed research on the relationships between #transport and #landuse?

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ICYMI: JTLU published two #OpenAccess papers in April:

"TOD effects on travel behavior: A synthesis of evidence from cross-sectional and longitudinal studies" by Bin Chi and Jinwoo Lee at UNSW.

“Bicycle use in the university community: Empirical analysis using MobiCampus-UdL data (Lyon, France)” by Nathalie Havet and Louafi Bouzouina with the Urban Planning, Economics, and Transport Laboratory, Université de Lyon.

#transport #AcademicTooter

funny how much room we think cars need.

our 36' residential street is being resurfaced. it's 2/3 done. drivers are treating the 12' that's still milled up as not-road, and just going about their business as if it's a 24' road, slowly, cautiously, politely....exactly as they should be.

can we just leave it this way please? Better yet, slap some flexiposts up and call it a multi-use path!!

Do you like learning about high quality, novel, interesting research on relationships between and from authors all over the world? If so, give the independent, peer-reviewed, open access of and Land Use a follow:

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Ok people: what's the best way to carry a bouquet of by ? It's both day and and both needs must be met!!

@BarbChamberlain I feel like you have immense knowledge here

Our usual route being repaved today, we took a chance on the crossing from hell on the way home from school.

Yep, still hell.

hate having to ask this, but what are our most trusted AI detectors for writing assignments?

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ICYMI: Your favorite independent, peer-reviewed, open access journal for original research on interactions between #transport and #landuse is now on #linkedin!

Check out our page for in-depth conversations about the research published in JTLU:

#AcademicTooter #AcademicPublishing #Academia

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New #OpenAccess #research in JTLU:

“Bicycle use in the university community: Empirical analysis using MobiCampus-UdL data (Lyon, France)” by Nathalie Havet and Louafi Bouzouina with the Urban Planning, Economics, and Transport Laboratory, Université de Lyon.
Available at

#cycling #biketooter #campusmobility #bikeshare


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