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Happy to have solved the problem of the school bus driver honking at us every morning.

It's been a week, and not a single honk.

Tab Combs boosted

I don’t own a car and I ride my bike a lot, often on very busy city streets. I always wear a helmet when I ride — not because it makes me less likely to get hit by a car, but because it makes me less likely to suffer from brain damage if and when I do get hit by a car.

However, as Dave Walker (@davewalker) points out, there are MANY other and much better ways to make cycling safer for everyone. 🚲

#BikeTooter #Cycling

Gotta love the kind of driver who backs his porsche out right in front of a family on bikes and then parks it in the bike lane along with their other car, already parked in the bike lane, in the school zone during school drop-off.

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New in JTLU: "The value of scenario discovery in land-use modeling: An automated vehicle test case” by Daniel Engelberg of Northeastern University. (1/2)

#AutomatedVehicles #LandUse #ScenarioDiscovery #LongRangePlanning

This morning we were greeted with a tongue, but no horn. Not sure if that's because of our peace offering or the new sign on the front of my bike that says, "Honk if you love bicycles!"

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We took a box of cupcakes to our favorite horn-honking-raspberry-blowing bus driver today, along with a card thanking her for brightening our mood with her daily greetings.

Is she actually trying to be funny when she sticks her tongue out at us? Will the cupcakes help her see that I'm just an ordinary mom trying to get her kid to school safely? Will my refusal to recognize her antics as a sign of aggression just make her angrier?

I honestly don't know.

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well I'm not likely to be making any friends with that email.

you those videos where people put a cucumber in a room with a cat and the cat loses its mind?

that, but the cucumber is a construction vehicle in the distance and the cat is literally everyone in a car.

Tab Combs boosted

My dirty fingers give me hope.

A friend's kid needed emergency roadside bike repair this morning on their ride to school, and I happily obliged.

I'm glad my friend's kid has the freedeom to independently, and am glad to be a part of a community that is working to make this possible for more kids.

NC town hiring multiple positions, including town manager, town clerk, two planners, and an entire parks and rec department. You are encouraged to *not* apply...

BTW, Oak Ridge is a pretty awesome town. It had a very progressive mayor for a long time. He hired a top-notch staff who did their best to balance rural charm with modern demands. And Oak Ridge is on the trail, so you can get there on foot it you want to. It's pretty bad ass.

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As the daughter of Oak Ridge's former long-time mayor, I cannot help but bask in a little hometown pride. Oak Ridge isn't perfect, but by george we are NOT Summerfield.


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abuts my own hometown, . Both communities incorporated around the same time, in response to concerns over being annexed by Greensboro. The towns had similar pasts, but took very different approaches to planning, governance, and growth management after incorporating.

As a planner, it's been utterly fascinating to watch the chaos Summerfield's zealous NIMBYism has caused. (8/n)

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The local weekly paper, The Northwest Observer, broke the story yesterday on their facebook page last night, and posted the text of the staff's collective resignation letter today.


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