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Well. I took the "Honk if you love bikes" sign off my bike this weekend and the school bus driver resumed honking at us this morning.

Sigh. Only 2 more days.

We've been finding some fascinating artifacts while digging in some very deep clay to install a new drainage system around our house. Yesterday's finds include this etched metal medallion. Can anyone help us figure out what it is?

For background, the house is 80 years old and was built on the site of a Union army bivouac. It's got some cool US history.

Sitting in my , sipping coffee, reading , watching people blast through an all-way stop... Lots of feels this Sunday morning

One of the many arguments against allowing right turns on red is that it entices drivers to roll up as close to the intersection as possible, the better to see when a gap appears that they can dart into. This causes them to completely block crosswalks, curb ramps, and beg buttons.

It seems like a little thing...unless you need to use those which case it's a BFD.

using food as a reward to teach kids about nutrition pretty well sums up our approach to education these days

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The Guardian asked me what I think about the NYC congestion pricing news. My answer:

"Hochul has decided that low-income residents matter less than a few grumpy suburbanites. It’s deflating and it’s a slap in the face.”

#newyork #nyc

Not particularly thrilled to know there's a fellow bicyclist in the hospital and a driver with a warrant for felony hit and run on the loose in my little town tonight

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New in JTLU: “Sydney's Residential Relocation Landscape: Machine Learning and Feature Selection Methods Unpack the Whys and Whens” by Maryam Bostanara, Amarin Siripanich, Milad Ghasri, and Taha Hossein Rashidi, UNSW.

This study investigates household residential relocation timing and paves the way for a deeper understanding of individual decision-making processes in sustainable urban planning.

Always #OpenAccess
#urbanplanning #machinelearning #accessibility

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@DrTCombs New proposal: Before any road is opened to cars, they must open it to bikes and pedestrians first. If enough people show up, the road is never opened to cars and remains an active transport corridor.

you don't really want to know where I think you should put that 'be safe, be seen' slap bracelet

School's almost out here, which means it's almost time for the annual "all the ways we nearly got killed getting to and from school this year" video montage. Stay tuned...the last day of school is always the most interesting from a near-death perspective.

I just shifted my weight in my desk chair. Dog 1 twitches. Dog 2 notices twitch and looks up. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 looking up and jumps up. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 jumping up and also jumps up. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 also jump up and barks. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 bark and leaps off the sofa. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 leap off the sofa and starts sprinting to the door. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 sprint to the door and also sprints to the 2. Both dogs now jumping at the door barking their fool heads off.

📣 My department is hiring! Please help us find our next Grants Manager!

"The Grants Manager in UNC's Department of City and Regional Planning is responsible for all grants administration within the department, from proposal development to close-out. We are looking for someone who is a good critical thinker, creative, diligent, curious, and willing to learn and grow!"

Full posting is available on UNC's Employment Website:

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New #research in JTLU: “#Micromobility journey planner for Madrid: A tool to estimate, visualize and analyze cycling and other shared mobility services’ flow” by Daniela Arias Molinares, Rubén Talavera-García, Gustavo Romanillos-Arroyo and Juan Carlos García-Palomares of the tGIS Research Group, Department of Geography, Complutense University Madrid. The paper appears in the special issue: Modeling Choice Behavior of Cyclists & Pedestrians in Urban Areas. (1/2)

anyone else have that one person you are most afraid of disappointing in the whole world, even though you only kind of know them, but you still know they would think your fear of disappointing them is utterly ridiculous?

it can't be just me.

Again. The utter idiocy of allowing drivers to turn right on red is the hill I will die on.

We waited 3 minutes for a walk sign at this high speed, multi-lane intersection. When we finally got one, a freight truck blew right through it making a right turn at speed with a red light.

(the tiny 'walk' sign is in the distance, way on the other side of the intersection, near the middle of the screen)

But what if you meet a friend for coffee and they randomly give you a giant toolbox?

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