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New in JTLU: “Exploring the Prospects and Challenges of #Sustainable Urban #Mobility: Potential and limits of #cycling
in Venice” by Cristina Bircu, Federico Cavallaro, Gianfranco Pozzer, and Silvio Nocera of the Università IUAV di Venezia. (1/2)

#Fedibikes #Research #OpenAccess #Transport #LandUse #Accessibility

It's here. The 'all the ways drivers tried to kill us this year' video montage, 2023-2024 edition.
Warning: there's some language.

Overheard a parent say to another parent at pickup today, "I couldn't decide whether to break the law or not, but it's not like anyone uses the bike lane. Why shouldn't we park there?" as I was standing right there with my bicycle, waiting for my kid with her bicycle, so we could ride home from school in the bike lane.

5 hand picked bouquets for the 5 favorite teachers on the last day of school. Proudly delivered by bicycle.

I despise everything about the environmental catastrophe that is , but if golf is what it takes to prove the value of , then I'll get on board. Hooray Golf!!!

Light reading in the garden this morning, thinking about that time our district engineer told me I should ride my in the extra wide shoulder of a multi-lane highway and be grateful for it.

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"Women's Freedom to Ride."

Why don’t more women ride bicycles in London? The advocacy group London Cycling Campaign wanted to know, and so they asked. What they discovered was disturbing. Hear what advocates are doing to make cycling safer and more accessible for everyone.

#london #cycling #thewaroncars #podcast

The combination of the water, the breeze, the wildlife, the well-placed trees luring you around the next bend, and--I admit--flying past all the backed up car traffic on the all makes me smile.
I'm so thankful I get to enjoy this every morning.

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Yeah, it's a little thing. But doing it every day, while glaring at us from her driving perch? That's aggressive intent. It's a very small step from aggressive intent to aggressive action.
And even a small aggressive action from a bus that size would easily kill my kid and me.

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Well. I took the "Honk if you love bikes" sign off my bike this weekend and the school bus driver resumed honking at us this morning.

Sigh. Only 2 more days.

We've been finding some fascinating artifacts while digging in some very deep clay to install a new drainage system around our house. Yesterday's finds include this etched metal medallion. Can anyone help us figure out what it is?

For background, the house is 80 years old and was built on the site of a Union army bivouac. It's got some cool US history.

Sitting in my , sipping coffee, reading , watching people blast through an all-way stop... Lots of feels this Sunday morning

One of the many arguments against allowing right turns on red is that it entices drivers to roll up as close to the intersection as possible, the better to see when a gap appears that they can dart into. This causes them to completely block crosswalks, curb ramps, and beg buttons.

It seems like a little thing...unless you need to use those which case it's a BFD.

using food as a reward to teach kids about nutrition pretty well sums up our approach to education these days

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The Guardian asked me what I think about the NYC congestion pricing news. My answer:

"Hochul has decided that low-income residents matter less than a few grumpy suburbanites. It’s deflating and it’s a slap in the face.”

#newyork #nyc

Not particularly thrilled to know there's a fellow bicyclist in the hospital and a driver with a warrant for felony hit and run on the loose in my little town tonight

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New in JTLU: “Sydney's Residential Relocation Landscape: Machine Learning and Feature Selection Methods Unpack the Whys and Whens” by Maryam Bostanara, Amarin Siripanich, Milad Ghasri, and Taha Hossein Rashidi, UNSW.

This study investigates household residential relocation timing and paves the way for a deeper understanding of individual decision-making processes in sustainable urban planning.

Always #OpenAccess
#urbanplanning #machinelearning #accessibility

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@DrTCombs New proposal: Before any road is opened to cars, they must open it to bikes and pedestrians first. If enough people show up, the road is never opened to cars and remains an active transport corridor.

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