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ICYMI: The Journal of #Transport and #LandUse published 6 new #OpenAccess
papers last month, and you can read them all for free!

1. “On the path to develop a #micromobility journey planner for #Madrid: A tool to estimate, visualize, and analyze #cycling and other shared mobility services’ flow”

2. “Sydney's residential relocation landscape: Machine learning and feature selection methods unpack the whys and whens”


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New #research in JTLU: “Integrated impact of urban mixed land use on TOD ridership: A multi-radius comparative analysis” by Xinyue GU and Siyan Lin of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Chengfang Wang of South China University of Technology.

#LandUse #TransitOrientedDevelopment #transit (1/2)

I dislike nearly everything about tennis, but the part I hate the most is the elbow.

Hey friends! I'm looking for lightweight, light-duty for a pair of semi-nomadic septuagenarians with dodgy knees.

Mainly for recreation. Affordability (theft potential is high), ease of use (old people), and batteries that won't go boom (obviously) are the main needs.

Any suggestions out there?
Thank you!!!

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For those who really want to explain urban heat to me, save yourself the trouble.

Urban heat is a thing because cities are covered in concrete, and concrete traps and then radiates heat.

Cities are covered in concrete because of cars.

IT'S THE CARS. Cars are the reason cities are hot, noisy, stinky, dirty, and expensive.

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I just got back from a grocery run, and holy crap. The difference in temperature between a greenway in the woods and a sidewalk next to a multilane road is mindboggling. The greenway was almost pleasant. The road felt more like the surface of the sun.

It's almost* as if continuing to coddle drivers by building out more and more roads is actually contributing to the global heat wave we're living in right now. [*sarcasm]

I'm old enough to remember when the Windows log-in screen was just a pretty picture.

I don't need baseball scores, stock tips, or wild promises about what copilot can do for my productivity, thank you. I'd just like to start my work day, please.

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New in JTLU: “Effects of the built environment on travel distance in bus-oriented, medium-sized cities in China”
by Xiaowei Li and Lanxin Shi, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) Architecture & Technology; Junqing Tang, Jiaying Li & Pengjun Zhao, Peking University; Qian Liu & Jun Chen, XAUAT; and Changxi Ma, Lanzhou Jiaotong University. (1/3)

Why do we keep building roads people can drive 80 miles an hour on in places we don't want them going faster than 35????

Build the roads for the behaviors you want.

kiddo and I saw our first cybertruck in the wild today. kid said it looked like a cross between an army tank and a toaster.

she's not wrong.

Dear Captcha: Are you looking for motorcycles or portions of a single motorcycle? Please advise.

mentions gun violence 

9 years ago one of my dearest friends was traveling from New Zealand to Charleston, SC for a conference. She was nervous about the trip, fearing both hurricanes and gun violence, but I assured her everything would be fine.

The day she arrived, Charleston received 11 inches of rain. 2 days later, a mass shooter killed 9 people in a church 2 blocks from her hotel.

I can't help but think how tragically commonplace this seems today.

Update: Team Buzzkill has been told to "think of the children and how they never get to have fun anymore."

HELLO I KNOW WHY BEING A KID SUCKS THESE DAYS. It's because all the adults are literally trying to kill them. One way or another.

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watching a debate unfold over whether a school-sanctioned water balloon inside a moving school bus is a fun way celebrate the end of school or maybe a sign that we as a society have lost all sight of the fact that driving a multi-ton metal box is difficult and errors in so doing impose enormous external costs even without the risk of getting beaned in the head by a 5th grader with a water balloon

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!