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The people who prop up are the ones who tell , , and others they are vulnerable and must watch for cars.

The people who prop up are the ones who tell women they are vulnerable and must not go out after dark.

These are the same thing.

No one should get to build or perpetuate a system that knowingly and consistently puts people in harm's way and then call those people "vulnerable"


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The term implies that being in danger (e.g., in danger of being hit by someone driving a car on a poorly designed street) is a condition the 'vulnerable user' opted in to.

is thus used to define people ouside of cars according to the dangers imposed by cars and the people who drive, design, and cater to cars.

It's textbook , characterizing people as vulnerable because they dare exist in public without a .


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Vulnerability is not an intrinsic characteristic of anyone. It's a condition imposed on people by their environments (be those environments physical, social, economic, political, etc).

language dehumanizes and makes it easy to shift blame and responsibility off those causing harm and onto those receiving it.


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Since it's come up on other platforms again, here's your semi-annual reminder that the term "Vulnerable Road User," or , is a catchall for "humans not safely ensconsed inside a motor vehicle," and it's lazy, inaccurate, offensive, and counterproductive.


Q. Does your big promotion mean you'll be able to drive to work now?
A. I actually like biking.
Q. But you at least get a parking spot?
A. No, I don't get a parking spot.
Q. But you could drive if you needed to?
A. Yes, but it wouldn't get me to work any quicker than biking.
Q. But what if it rains?
A. I get rained on.
Q. But wouldn't you rather drive if it's raining?
A. I'd get rained if I drove too.
Q. But...but...but...

is just better.

said toddler is 10 now, so the stashes have gotten bigger, but they're still just as loved as ever. It's a great way to use up whatever random bits of food you've got lying around. Bonus points for making it feel like snacking.

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I admit I went a little overboard, but the "squirrel stash" is a favorite meal around here and I will never stop evangelizing it.

We found our first on the kids' menu of an outdoor cafe/petting zoo (yes) in when our daughter was a toddler, and have been attempting to replicate it ever since.

Basically, you put a few pieces of whatever reasonably healthy food items you have on hand + 1 or 2 junk items on a plate and get out of the way.

I asked the kid to make ID tags for the purple broccoli I'm setting out in the today.

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I've now published a write-up and the source code for how I calculated a connectivity rank which could be used to help prioritize how a bike network is built out based how segments would improve connections with the existing network.

Thanks to all the open source mapping projects that helped make this possible, including #qgis #valhalla #josm and #turfjs. And yes, I used JavaScript for this.

Feedback, improvements welcome!

#mapping #spatialAnalysis #minneapolis

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ICYMI: The Journal of #Transport and #LandUse published 6 new #OpenAccess
papers last month, and you can read them all for free!

1. “On the path to develop a #micromobility journey planner for #Madrid: A tool to estimate, visualize, and analyze #cycling and other shared mobility services’ flow”

2. “Sydney's residential relocation landscape: Machine learning and feature selection methods unpack the whys and whens”


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New #research in JTLU: “Integrated impact of urban mixed land use on TOD ridership: A multi-radius comparative analysis” by Xinyue GU and Siyan Lin of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Chengfang Wang of South China University of Technology.

#LandUse #TransitOrientedDevelopment #transit (1/2)

I dislike nearly everything about tennis, but the part I hate the most is the elbow.

Hey friends! I'm looking for lightweight, light-duty for a pair of semi-nomadic septuagenarians with dodgy knees.

Mainly for recreation. Affordability (theft potential is high), ease of use (old people), and batteries that won't go boom (obviously) are the main needs.

Any suggestions out there?
Thank you!!!

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For those who really want to explain urban heat to me, save yourself the trouble.

Urban heat is a thing because cities are covered in concrete, and concrete traps and then radiates heat.

Cities are covered in concrete because of cars.

IT'S THE CARS. Cars are the reason cities are hot, noisy, stinky, dirty, and expensive.

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I just got back from a grocery run, and holy crap. The difference in temperature between a greenway in the woods and a sidewalk next to a multilane road is mindboggling. The greenway was almost pleasant. The road felt more like the surface of the sun.

It's almost* as if continuing to coddle drivers by building out more and more roads is actually contributing to the global heat wave we're living in right now. [*sarcasm]

I'm old enough to remember when the Windows log-in screen was just a pretty picture.

I don't need baseball scores, stock tips, or wild promises about what copilot can do for my productivity, thank you. I'd just like to start my work day, please.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!