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New in JTLU: “Effects of the built environment on travel distance in bus-oriented, medium-sized cities in China”
by Xiaowei Li and Lanxin Shi, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) Architecture & Technology; Junqing Tang, Jiaying Li & Pengjun Zhao, Peking University; Qian Liu & Jun Chen, XAUAT; and Changxi Ma, Lanzhou Jiaotong University. (1/3)

Why do we keep building roads people can drive 80 miles an hour on in places we don't want them going faster than 35????

Build the roads for the behaviors you want.

kiddo and I saw our first cybertruck in the wild today. kid said it looked like a cross between an army tank and a toaster.

she's not wrong.

Dear Captcha: Are you looking for motorcycles or portions of a single motorcycle? Please advise.

mentions gun violence 

9 years ago one of my dearest friends was traveling from New Zealand to Charleston, SC for a conference. She was nervous about the trip, fearing both hurricanes and gun violence, but I assured her everything would be fine.

The day she arrived, Charleston received 11 inches of rain. 2 days later, a mass shooter killed 9 people in a church 2 blocks from her hotel.

I can't help but think how tragically commonplace this seems today.

Update: Team Buzzkill has been told to "think of the children and how they never get to have fun anymore."

HELLO I KNOW WHY BEING A KID SUCKS THESE DAYS. It's because all the adults are literally trying to kill them. One way or another.

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watching a debate unfold over whether a school-sanctioned water balloon inside a moving school bus is a fun way celebrate the end of school or maybe a sign that we as a society have lost all sight of the fact that driving a multi-ton metal box is difficult and errors in so doing impose enormous external costs even without the risk of getting beaned in the head by a 5th grader with a water balloon

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New in JTLU: “Exploring the Prospects and Challenges of #Sustainable Urban #Mobility: Potential and limits of #cycling
in Venice” by Cristina Bircu, Federico Cavallaro, Gianfranco Pozzer, and Silvio Nocera of the Università IUAV di Venezia. (1/2)

#Fedibikes #Research #OpenAccess #Transport #LandUse #Accessibility

It's here. The 'all the ways drivers tried to kill us this year' video montage, 2023-2024 edition.
Warning: there's some language.

Overheard a parent say to another parent at pickup today, "I couldn't decide whether to break the law or not, but it's not like anyone uses the bike lane. Why shouldn't we park there?" as I was standing right there with my bicycle, waiting for my kid with her bicycle, so we could ride home from school in the bike lane.

5 hand picked bouquets for the 5 favorite teachers on the last day of school. Proudly delivered by bicycle.

I despise everything about the environmental catastrophe that is , but if golf is what it takes to prove the value of , then I'll get on board. Hooray Golf!!!

Light reading in the garden this morning, thinking about that time our district engineer told me I should ride my in the extra wide shoulder of a multi-lane highway and be grateful for it.

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"Women's Freedom to Ride."

Why don’t more women ride bicycles in London? The advocacy group London Cycling Campaign wanted to know, and so they asked. What they discovered was disturbing. Hear what advocates are doing to make cycling safer and more accessible for everyone.

#london #cycling #thewaroncars #podcast

The combination of the water, the breeze, the wildlife, the well-placed trees luring you around the next bend, and--I admit--flying past all the backed up car traffic on the all makes me smile.
I'm so thankful I get to enjoy this every morning.

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Yeah, it's a little thing. But doing it every day, while glaring at us from her driving perch? That's aggressive intent. It's a very small step from aggressive intent to aggressive action.
And even a small aggressive action from a bus that size would easily kill my kid and me.

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