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update 4: both of the digital gift cards now appear to have been redeemed.

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update 0: my first step was to change my password. 2FA was already enabled, and there have been no unauthorized logins...

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update 3: Wendy's addresses have disappeared from my account

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update 2: Wendy's mailing address is now my default billing/shipping address in my microsoft account

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update: it appears someone (Wendy?) has redeemed one of the digital gift cards

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Some woman named Wendy in Minnesota is using her credit card to put digital gift cards on my account. The gift cards appear to be legit -- I now have a $160 in credit.

Is this a ? ? Have I been ?

Whatever it is, I don't think she's doing it right.

and no, there's no obvious way to report this to Microsoft. And I desperately need to, because it appears for all intents and purposes that I have defrauded Wendy.


Tab Combs boosted

In The Verge, I explained why self-driving cars could be a disaster for climate change and road safety -- even if they work perfectly.

The answer lies in the Jevons paradox, a classic 19th century economic theory.

#climate #climatechange #cars

And for those who might think this is new idea I'm trying on, or am interested in debating it, it is not.

I have spent decades studying the experiences of people trying to navigate their environments on the outside of a car. My caution against the use of language is not a hot take. It's the result of a very long time thinking, studying, analyzing, discussing, teaching, and writing about this.

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Re-posting this thread with the start of the new school year and the annual race among public agencies to see who can put out the most offensive, uninformed, and counterproductive "stay safe out there, kids" PSAs.

TL;DR: calling people outside cars is very bad form. Don't do it.


* unless you are my amazing newish neighbor I've seen using your car to block for my kid, expertly creating an impromptu protected intersection so she can safely make an otherwise stressful left turn on her way home. You are awesome and I love you.

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So tired of the judgment and resentment from other parents when I ask them to drive less like a$$holes in an actual school zone.

You do not get to feign concern for my child's wellbeing when you are the person endangering them.

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When you find yourself fretting over the safety of someone you encounter on a bike, ask yourself, "am I part of what's making them unsafe?"

If you* are behind a steering wheel, the answer is probably yes.

TL;DR: a new bicyclist in the hood

Relatively new neighbor, remarkable for her driving habits: careful, slow, lawful. We routinely encounter her on our bike ride home from school; I always appreciate her presence. But when her car didn't pass us along the usual stretch of road today, I started to wonder what happened...until SHE PASSED US ON A BIKE!!!

She'd been noticing us every day, slowly getting up her nerve to start biking, and today she took the plunge!

That was the most CYA 'safety' training I've ever had to do.
So overtly CYA that it will probably backfire and people will die.

But at least we get to check a box.

Tab Combs boosted

I do realize the relevant roads are controlled by the state. I also realize that as long as the town keeps welcoming more and more cars into downtown, the state will continue to add capacity for cars getting into downtown. And they will do so, as they have always done, at the expense of safety and accessibility for all other modes.

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I'm just not finding it within myself to get excited about 1000 new car parking spots in a downtown that's still death defying to get to by bike.

Periodic reminder that independent, local shops will often do what big chains can't be bothered schedule appointments for children

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!