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It's really adorable that I thought I could write this thing at soccer practice

Partner: I still don't understand why you get up at 3 every morning to work. Can't you just get it done during the day like a normal person?

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Me: hey Brain, it's time to write.
Brain: nah, got all day
Me: actually, we only have until school lets out, and it's gonna take every minute of that time
Brain: naw dude, we're good, let's goof off
[rinse, repeat for several hours]
Me: effing A Brain, school's out in 20 minutes.

You know what makes a road expensive to design, build, and maintain?
Cars are wide. They are heavy. They go fast. They crash hard. It takes a colossal amount of resources to accommodate them en masse.

You know what's cheap? Sidewalks and bike paths. Orders of magnitude cheaper than roads built for cars.

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Streets do not create car congestion. That's ridiculous. We, as a society, create the conditions that force people to drive if they want to get somewhere, even if they have to sit in the traffic of which they are a part.

Our complete refusal to provide for alternatives to driving, even when driving sucks, is what has created "car congestion."

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There is no such thing as car trip demand. Cars do not demand to make trips. People make trips. Often, they make them by car. Usually because there is not a better option provided. The fact that you can recognize a road needs to exist but argue that it doesn't need to serve the needs of people is absurd.

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This is what does to people.

makes well-respected environmental advocacy organizations claim that providing facilities for all people in all public spaces is impractical, that people must already be walking & biking on a street before that street can have facilities for walking and biking, that investing in infrastructure for walking & biking costs more than infrastructure for driving, and that streets cause "car congestion," whatever that is.

First time I encountered the new version I was in a car, and was stunned at the lack of design cues telling me to slow down as I approached the slip lane.

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This intersection was really dangerous and was completely devoid of any pedestrian accommodations before getting the roundabout facelift.

But that sliplane...WHYYYYY?

For real, why? Is there any legitimate* reason to include sliplanes in a roundabout?

*maintaining vehicular traffic flow does not qualify as legitimate,-7

I knew wasn't going to be great, but I honestly did not expect it to get so bad so fast.

and yes, there *is* a bike path next to the road. But there's no way to get to it without hopping the curb...which I'm not doing on a loaded cargo bike.

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I decided to try coming to a complete stop at stop signs on my this morning. It only took 18 seconds for a driver to try and take me out because of it.

Thanks to my fediverse friends for talking me through how to deal with this!

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Sigh. I had such high hopes for productivity this morning.

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I've filed a police report with my local PD, both in the hopes of covering my own ass and somehow helping the woman whose credit card appears to have been stolen.

We'll see.

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TL;DR: someone managed to add a stolen credit card and shipping information to my account, ordered $160 worth of digital xbox gift cards, and redeemed those cards this morning.

There are no suspicious logins on my account, and I have verification and 2FA turned on.

Microsoft not only does not care, they also claim that any unauthorized activity on a user's account is the user's responsibility.

So that's fun.

update 7: DGAF if people are using stolen credit cards to make purchases using other people's accounts without actually signing into those accounts.

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update 6: WOW THAT WAS SOME CRAZY GASLIGHTY NOTMYJOB tech support from microsoft.

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update 5: fraud report filed with microsoft; listing microsoft itself as the fraudulent company, given I've got nothing else to do while I wait to live chat with microsoft support.

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