Now that most of the compost tea & sludge are contained, I've showered, and the laundry is running, I can reflect on what went wrong this morning.

In a nutshell, all of it. All of the things I thought might go wrong when trying to strain 20 gallons of compost tea by myself, in my PJs, after a near all-nighter finishing a report, did in fact go wrong.

Did I learn any lessons? Probably not.
Do my veggies appreciate my efforts? They damn well better!


@geoff_green a dramatic reenactment is warranted for this whole toot, drunk history style @DrTCombs

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@bikepedantic @DrTCombs if I’d known this was going to take place, I’d have been there to record the whole experience

@geoff_green @bikepedantic I'm like 98% sure I'll make all these very same mistakes again in the not-so-distant future. I have no self-control, and I've already got another bucket brewing.

@bikepedantic @geoff_green foresaw it, did it anyway, will probably do it again

will this teach me to have more empathy for DOTs?


@DrTCombs @geoff_green “ONE MORE LANE SHOULD DO IT!” she bellowed defiantly, as another set of sleepwear took a nitrogen-and-mineral-enriched bath

@bikepedantic @geoff_green You know how I know I'm going to make the same mistakes again?

Because I just went back out to prune the cucumbers, knowing full well that the cucumbers took the brunt of the compost tea/sludge explodapaganza, and wound up with actual sludge inside my actual nostril.

Worth it though because otherwise I might not have found this guy.

@bikepedantic @DrTCombs @geoff_green My piano teacher always said “make a mistake once and it’s a mistake, but make it twice then it’s jazz!”

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