Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs) are good, and places should do them...

But exclusive ped phases (widely found here in Eastern MA, rare elsewhere AFAIK) are true all-ages signal ops.

Why don't we talk more about them?

@bikepedantic because of that one TRB paper somewhere that said they didn't work and/or slow traffic despite mounds of evidence to the contrary, probably

@bikepedantic published in some obscure committee that was disbanded in 1983

@bikepedantic We've been asking for it here on dozens of intersections with repeat near misses and have gotten absolutely nowhere. For the usual reasons.

@DrTCombs @bikepedantic These are painful exchanges to read from the high horse. Here, the lead intervals are advised to not use and stick to isolated ped signal phases. Is it really the engineers in the trb talking or is it the political climate withholding them to speak their mind?

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