TL;DR: how do you ?

My super nerdy kid has decided she wants to spend the rest of her hot summer break creating a podcast in which she teaches parents how to help their elementary aged with .

She's all in. First episode recorded, eps 2-4 sketched out.

What comes next?? How do you go from recording to ? Not looking to make money! Just trying to support her efforts to find her true calling and save other kids from their clueless parents.

@bikepedantic I'm trying not to take it personally that I am my daughter's muse. I am the one who says, "honey, 3rd grade was a long time ago and I don't think we learned the same things you're learning."

It's quite sweet of her that she wants to save other kids from the same frustration of having parents who play/are dumb at homework.

@DrTCombs @bikepedantic perhaps daughter would like a cohost? Your kids could have a whole episode about how cool it is to bike to school, and cargo bikes versus traditional bikes.

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