
At the risk of pissing off my employers… fuck curbside EV charging.

It’s not great how we always find new and exciting ways to put car shit in the pedestrian realm

@bikepedantic oh, so it is possible to install steel bollards? but only to protect car-related infrastructure I guess?

@bikepedantic I would love to address these done with a curb bump out so that the ped space is persevered while still enabling EV charging.

@bikepedantic Curbside ev-charging is great! However, its not necessary to install the infrastructure needed for charging at the curb: they should rather be installed at the side of the street, between parking spots. The pedestrian space should remain as it was.

@meraord @bikepedantic why should this be anywhere but private property? How is it great? Should we also have gasoline pumps here and there on the street? How is it that the only new public infrastructure we can afford is for cars, while bathrooms and even bike racks are so hard to find?

@stevenbodzin @bikepedantic personally, I don't see why offering roadside charging would mean there would be less bathrooms or bike racks. We can build all of them.

Second, roadside charging, like near apartment buildings, is a good way to level out our electricity use. If we can charge cars during the night when the use of electricity is lower, it benefits the grid as a whole. They don't take up much space either, why they easily could be located between car parks instead of at the curb.

@meraord @bikepedantic All good points. But counterpoints: Cities are building charging stations everywhere with govt and utility money. In the US, there's no money for bathrooms

In my neighborhood, chargers are mostly used by cabs, which use them in the evening. The very worst time for the grid.

And they do take up much space, given how small sidewalks are (having been narrowed for "parking" lanes.

Put these in parking lots. Not on the curb.

@bikepedantic yay, more space being taken up by lumps of steel and plastic

@bikepedantic I'm okay with it curbside, as long as it's on the street side of the curb

@bikepedantic It should take parking spots away, not pedestrian and bicycle access

@bikepedantic I’m sure the people who say losing parking spots is an ADA violation are just about to speak up. Any minute now.

@bikepedantic Because ...?

(Not all kerbside chargers are positioned like this, with bollards.)

@bikepedantic Geez, in Seattle they are adding chargers to utility poles. That sounds more civilized.

@bikepedantic can a wheelchair even fit past that? Looks like an easy ADA lawsuit to me, but hard to be sure from a picture.

@bikepedantic perspectikes can be weird in a photo, but judging by the person at the end of the block I'd guess the whole sidewalk is 4 feet and that charger takes up nearly half the space.

@bikepedantic @bluGill My eye does not agree. The entire sidewalk, curb to lip, looks no more than 4'6".

@donaldball your eyes are wrong. I used my feet to get a rough measure of the clearspace, and here's a google image measurement of the site @bluGill

@bikepedantic This thing has better protection from cars than most of the "protected" bike lanes in my city.


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