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Introvert plea for fewer relatives making me converse right now

We could create an all-new retail square from the operating and defunct auto-oriented parcels alone (and should! Do we need to gas stations, a muffler shop, and a tire shop here, in an EV car future?)

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Across the street from the Mobil station sits this vacant garage.

In one of the most overheated real estate markets in the country, Cambridge’s planning and zoning doesn’t create a market condition that allows something to replace nothing. Failure.

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The Mobil station at the corner of Mass Ave & Alewife Brook is back open after a big multi-month reconstruction of the pumps and tanks.

It is a massive failure of our planning and zoning that Cambridge’s northwestern gateway will continue as a half-acre gas station for years to come.

Btw, I just realized that you can upload videos to nextdoor. Feels like an underused medium for trolling. Should I post this video for my neighbors to get together and make good things happen around?

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Stop sign at Columbus and Kimball in N Cambridge (directly across from a kid’s park) must be broken or something. Because surely the exceptional drivers of Cambridge would never drive like this!

Two in the chairs and five of us waiting in Fast Phil’s at 11:45 on a Friday

BREAKING: Out of an abundance of caution, the #MBTA is just going to give people piggy-back rides down Dorchester Avenue until further notice.

When you hand a carpenter a safety-oversight hammer, anything that moves is a nail. If too many things are moving, your carpentry skills are questioned. (ht @streetsblogmass & @cmilneil )

Hey Camberville - do we have any Black-owned dispensaries?

This problem of EV charging spots getting “ICE’d up” has no good solution, and will be even worse when our cities start charging up curbside parking

From: @universalhub

Pedestrian fatalities are a public health issue with known racial and geographic disparities. New American Journal of Public Health paper authored by researchers from the Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety, de Beaumont Foundation, and UNC Highway Safety Research Center looks at the link between historical redlining policies and inequities in pedestrian fatalities:

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!