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Your use-case of the day:

My wife’s stepdad, 88 y/o, is a lifelong cyclist. Racing, touring, etc. Last year, he was riding along, and his heart just stopped. 10 minutes of roadside CPR kept him alive til a cop with an AED arrived.

As part of rehab, he’s ridden on a trainer, but that sucks. With my e-brompton, enabled by the motor which ensures his heart rate doesn’t go above his prescribed max, plus the low stepover, he’s back on the streets.

“Life-changing,” reports my mother-in-law.

As directed, I came to a complete stop before moving the gate, looking for conflicting traffic, and proceeding on through. Safely.

I am so sad today, and I just wanted to let my kid loose on Memorial Drive
to kill a couple of hours outside, something we’ve been waiting to do since last fall. DCR sucks, everything sucks.

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An upside of not being on Twitter is that there’s no illusion that important people care about me.

So instead of tweeting through the rage , I’ll send some emails that will also be ignored.

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Subtooting some folks from a different social media platform:

Mind your own business, helmet nags.

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Funny how nextdoor can fill with complaints about occasional airplane noise, but the near-constant drone from our nearby parkway never gets a single mention.

‘Take the lane’ just isn’t a strategy that needs to be deployed very often. Cargobikes hauling kids everywhere. Few places you can’t get to directly and safely. More places can do this.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!