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TIL that I’m not far enough along in the grieving process to calmly sit through a public meeting about bike lanes.

Work From Home advantage #137:

Spill palak paneer lunch all over yourself at home? Five minutes of cleanup, change clothes, regret loss of delicious food.

Spill palak paneer lunch all over yourself at the office? Entire afternoon spent as a green-stained fragrant pariah.

TFW it's moving-in day for your new next-door neighbors, and you see a Woom 3 come off the truck

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day . Join the National Federation of the Blind and U.S. Access Board
TODAY at 3pm ET for a webinar on Section 508. Learn about what it is supposed to do and how people with disabilities can work together to leverage the new ruling. Don't miss insights from the U.S. Access Board, a leading agency in accessible design and guideline development:

A new study calculates how much warming each country is responsible for. No surprise, the US is in the lead with 17% of observed warming attributed to its emissions. Read the study here: and explore the data on World of Data here:

Twitter has (historically, at least) been pretty good on allowing discussion of vaginas and vulvas, but it looks like they've changed their mind on being a space for these crucial conversations. We're very disappointed indeed that they're censoring our fundraising campaign, and very glad that we're in the fedi, which isn't at the mercy of a capricious billionaire!

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99% Invisible finally does an episode on parking! (and the real destroyer of cities: minimum parking requirements)

Every architect knows this to be true: the design of *any* building in the U.S. follows parking requirements. And it makes a ton of useful improvements impossible to build: infill housing, affordable housing, local businesses, better public transit and safer bike infrastructure.

It's been a long battle, but it's time to abolish parking minimums everywhere.

One quirk of the Cambridge, MA automobile fleet is the disproportionate share of the odd-duck Mazda 5s and MPVs i see around. Love these oddball hyper-practical boxes.

AMEN: “I find it really challenging to talk about putting EV chargers at the curb when all four of us, we just spent 20 minutes talking about the demand at the curb... but once you put an EV charger there, it can be nothing but EV charging at that particular location on the curb. It becomes really challenging,” said Maria Irshad, a deputy director in the Houston parking department, overseeing on-street parking.

TONIGHT: , honoring those killed while riding bikes and scooters—20 in the last ten years, including Samuel Kesselman, Shawn O’Donnell, Michael Gordon, Michael Hawkins Randall, Allison Hart, Jim Pagels, Armando Martinez-Ramos, Michael Williams, David Farewell, Dave Salovesh, Tom Hollowell, Carlos Sanchez Martin, Jeffrey Hammond Long, Dominique Antonio Lewis, Malik Habib, Burgess Johnson, Dan Neidhardt, Jerrel Robert Elliott, Christopher Brewer, Tonya Reaves, Andre Brands, …

Duplex on my street (that we wanted to buy, but couldn’t get an offer together in time). Flipper tore out this lovely cobbled driveway, and paved it and the backyard. For car parking.

The nextdoor greens won’t object to this loss of heritage and permeability, but really, neither do I, because we should all be able to do what we want with our own property.

Finance 101: When someone dies, the bills arrive far before the checks do.

Seems like a ridiculously good deal. $1200 won’t even buy you this motor & battery elsewhere

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A bunch of iZip Vida step-thru e-bikes with Bosch middrive motors (from a rental fleet I’m guessing) for $1200 each in Eastham, MA (Cape Cod)

I'm not oppressed, but if i was, I would seeth about how places like WaPo and their most powerful writers use their platform to highlight the banally absurd, rather than the unfair and unjust.

[gift link to some milquetoast nonsense about a rich white lady who can't get municipal trash collection]

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!