A classic Sydney ‘shared path’ (legalised footpath) and excessive advertising combo. If it were glass you could at least see if anyone was waiting at the bus shelter or riding the other way, as it is you have to ride at walking speed to negotiate this. (The road is 70km/hr death.)

The problem is not so much that these shared paths exist - I’d rather ride them than nothing - but that they’re counted in our kms of cycling infrastructure.


@jakecoppinger Princes Highway southbound (between Sydney Park and Ikea). Not one of the City of Sydney ones.

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@jroper Ah yes - I know how frustrating that stroad is.

I see it’s on OSM as a shared path but from street imagery it may not be. I’m 100% sure at one point of the footpath it’s marked as bikes allowed but maybe the entire path isn’t - I’ll investigate.

@jakecoppinger huh yeah you might be right, on the TfNSW cycleway finder this part isn't shared path at all. Only further south. Good thing it doesn't seem to be enforced as it's quite popular with delivery riders around Hungry Jacks.

@jroper I checked the Mapillary imagery and I'm quite sure it's legally a footpath, not a shared path - please let me know if you come across markings to suggest otherwise!

I updated OSM so those changes will flow through to maps & routing apps in the coming days: openstreetmap.org/changeset/13

The path on Canal Rd was also misaligned and wrongly tagged: openstreetmap.org/changeset/13

I think Henry St is the closest "designated" east-west route, 50kmh limit though a laneway with a low traffic volume from memory. The connection between it and the St Peters path is non-existent though.

The area could definitely do with a resurvey with new Mapillary or drone imagery to make sure what is there. I'll try to get to it at some point but maybe someone will beat me!

#openstreetmap #mapillary #sydney #nsw #cycling #maps #urbanism #betterstreets #tempe

@jakecoppinger Wow, nearly all the previous changes are yours too. I don't realise how few people are doing all the work.

I think it's right now. As far as signage, I found this little sign at the south end on google. From the north (from the new path through the park) there is no signage or markings either way that I can find.

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