A classic Sydney ‘shared path’ (legalised footpath) and excessive advertising combo. If it were glass you could at least see if anyone was waiting at the bus shelter or riding the other way, as it is you have to ride at walking speed to negotiate this. (The road is 70km/hr death.)

The problem is not so much that these shared paths exist - I’d rather ride them than nothing - but that they’re counted in our kms of cycling infrastructure.

@jroper Frm your picture, it looks like a simple regular sidewalk for pedestrians and not for cyclists.


@jfmezei Indeed, probably needs some explanation for people overseas. In NSW, cyclists are prohibited from sidewalks (unless with children), and the network of safe cycling routes is very sparse. Some local councils try to alleviate the situation by labeling some sidewalks as 'shared paths'.

Here's another one, part of a route to my uni - in this case there's some blue paint indicating shared path status but it's otherwise indistinguishable from a regular sidewalk.

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