A classic Sydney ‘shared path’ (legalised footpath) and excessive advertising combo. If it were glass you could at least see if anyone was waiting at the bus shelter or riding the other way, as it is you have to ride at walking speed to negotiate this. (The road is 70km/hr death.)

The problem is not so much that these shared paths exist - I’d rather ride them than nothing - but that they’re counted in our kms of cycling infrastructure.

@kith @jroper What a deadly design! Yes, that bus shelter right in the middle of a "shared use path" right next to a high speed road would require anyone riding a bike to get off and creep around it.

I worry even more about people using mobility devices, pushing strollers, and even getting on and off the bus. The photo seems to show less than 30" (75cm) of clear space. Illegal in many places.


@CathyTuttle @kith So it turns out I was wrong, as Jake pointed out earlier. This part is not actually a legal shared path, just frequently used as such owing to being in between two sections of shared path - see pic - with a lack of signage differentiating them.

So the issue is more the absence of clarity and missing links of our cycling routes.

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