Husband's new ride for his metro + bike commute. Haven't got to try it yet - it better be comfortable! (We're sharing for now as I figure anytime I'm going out without the baby, he'll be with the baby, so no need for two bikes.)

First day in Toronto! Trying not to be too disturbed by the number of bloated vehicles 🤐

On the plus side I really like this bike lane design. Level so you can easily get off and boost the local economy, but with trees and street furniture between bikes and the footpath to provide a bit of separation.

Paris day was baby’s first train trip - yet another advantage of the train over the car is feeding him. Time saving and no sadness 👌

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Paris today: the appropriate width for a one-way bike lane, and where to put the parking if you don't want bikes on the footpath. Not like anything we're building in Sydney!

Been very quiet here as hanging out with my new baby. Taking lots of walks around the French village where we’re living with our in-laws (only another month thankfully).

It's picturesque but reminds me how we are, generally, doing a better job with basic walking infrastructure in Australia!

Although traffic volumes are low, speed limits here are 50k in the village and 90k outside, and most drivers are trying to speed most of the time. So it's hard to relax while walking without footpaths.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!