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@kkavee Yeah I might print out the final examined version just to keep around :)

It's a bit anti-climactic, the modern thesis submission - no 300 page book all printed out - but on the plus side one can do it from France :)

Now for a few days off!

@michcampbell We're doing France to Canada (strange turn of plans) so yeah only about half the flight. I don't think we can manage a baby and 6 suitcases either but still trying to convince my partner of that!

@michcampbell bloody hell that was an ambitious bike mission 🤣🤣🤣 poor cake!

@Transportist yep a good example of the problem with conflating walking behaviour & 'walkability'.

@michcampbell following for answers! From what we've looked up so far, buying extra luggage on the plane is cheaper... if we can deal with it logistically.

@kyp92 ah so they didn't put St Peters and Erskineville on the T4 line after all? Or does that happen later? I was looking forward to that (though ended up moving before anyway).

@waeiski My university still primarily recommends *EndNote to students, though they mention Zotero now too. Glad I dodged that and got Zotero.

I've been a bit quiet here lately so general life update: recently moved to France where I'm aiming to finish my thesis, have a baby, and find a postdoc, hopefully in that order.

Here enjoying the European luxury: trains with power points! on the way to Brittany to visit some of my French in-laws.

The first pre-release of GeoPandas 1.0 is out! 🎉

Please help us test the alpha version to catch all the nasty bugs that may be there. You can install it from PyPI using `pip install geopandas --pre -U`. To get an idea about the changes, you can check the changelog - or a blogpost by @martinfleis - All the API changes are (hopefully) included and further pre-releases shall not change any behavior. It is time to test now!

"The moves must appear in the right order or sequence to become a dance. If you start with your hands down to your hips instead of out in front of you, you ARE dancing, but it’s NOT the Macarena.

So it is with the Macarena as it is with writing the discussion section of your thesis"

- thank you @thesiswhisperer, this bit of lightness is exactly what I needed right now!

No disrespect to people killed or disrupted by falling bridges, but it would be nice to get even a tenth of that attention on road safety, the lack of which kills more than a million people globally each year, including 40k Americans, and injures many times more - a number that is going up when it should go down.

#BridgeCollapse #RoadSafety

@milesmcbain (just got around to this tab) yep I have gone through these phases slowly and haphazardly, alone over the course of my PhD... hopefully will make me a better team member in the right team afterwards!

@Transportist Thinking about it as well, feel like I should know something from my bridge building days but can't remember.

According to this: "Ship impact loads for navigable waterways and fire loads have been included for the first time", in AS5100 in 2017.

Ofc doesn't mean they weren't considered before, but not based on AS. Couldn't find anything from TfNSW either which was surprising.

@jedsetter And Circular Quay has the most choice of ferry lines. Yeah, it's quite odd.

@jedsetter Well... out of those Metro stops it has the closest ferry connection I guess?

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