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These close stops here and in the CBD would make more sense if the light rail was faster - long dwell times and slow acceleration seem to be the main causes which could potentially be improved.

But I haven't done an end-to-end access analysis which would help really understand how useful or not the stop is.

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Petition for another light rail stop in Surry Hills:

I've signed mostly because I don't like the argument that stops would be too close together because of a fixed '400m catchment', which is outdated and not representative of mode choice decisions & experience for shorter trips.

Having registered my opposition to catchment analyses... here's a rough one anyway.

BicycleNSW has started a petition for allowing roll-on (unboxed) bikes on regional trains:

This is no ordinary petition; there is a PDF of briefing notes explaining why the changes are minimal and feasible:

If you'd like to cycle from Sydney to the regions (or the other direction) have a look!

#bicyclensw #cycling #railtrails #australia #nsw #auspol #johaylen #bikepacking #biketouring #bicycletouring #cycletouring #sydney #nswtrainlink

copilot trick of the day: providing (good) translations into other languages.

I have a website with a small amount of text, and a series of separate JS files with the text in different languages. If I add text for a new tooltip in the English one, I can go to the Persian one and Copilot suggests the same thing in the same spot, translated.

Ofc chatgpt is a decent translator, but the integration with the structure of my project is just amazing, and saves some tedious work.

💬🚲️ Consultations on two game-changing cycleways opened this week 🤩

- The Cooks to Cove Greenway in the Inner West will connect the Cooks River path with the Bay Run & Rozelle:

- The Anzac Parade Cycleway in the Eastern Suburbs will introduce a whole new area to the safe cycleway network:

Make sure to have your say! (particularly the Anzac Parade one as it's already received a lot of negative comments)

#SydneyCycleways #betterstreets #sydney

Totally irrelevant but I'm just really proud of my little sister

Though I'm disappointed she didn't include my contribution to her degree, which was listening to long voice messages about stats problems, translating them to paper, and sending her help 😅

@straphanger Of course, most of the injuries and all of the crowded sidewalks are really due to assigning too much space to cars, but we'll just ignore the elephant on the room.

also I'm not at all sure that drivers are actually required to give way here under current NSW law; but in this case ignorance is a positive & the design is successful in conveying the intent that they should give way, and they do.

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Went out of my way just to enjoy this nice new crossing on Mitchell Road.

Still some awkwardness where the two-way cycling becomes one-way (behind the pedestrians) but it’s a very quiet street over there so it’s probably ok.

I used to live in a deck-access flat in Port Macquarie, it was really nice propping the front/deck door open to get the breeze or sitting out in the afternoon sun once it was on that side of the building. Now I'm in a single frontage apartment with a nice orientation but no cross-ventilation, and I miss it.

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The idea that an outdoor corridor can be good is related to the idea that walking or cycling - travel exposed to the elements - can be good, I think. Both involve not living in an indoors - garage - car - indoors bubble.

Wouldn’t it be cute if the ALP enacted some boldly progressive policies now that they’ve got the entire mainland covered? Maybe we could stop torturing refugees? Actually tackle climate change? Massively invest in public services for a treat?

You start using Bing because the AI is amazing, you start using maps, and see an edit button - brilliant!

You're editing Microsoft's map, right? Wrong! You'll probably miss it, but the 7 pixel grey text explains you're actually editing OpenStreetMap.

As the series of blog posts by @pietervdvn explain in detail:

> In other words, 99% of the users will never see this. 99.99% will never realize that they are editing OSM. This is not only in breach of the letter of the ODbL (and thus illegal), this flies into the face of everything what the OSM-community stands for. It strongly suggests that Microsoft actually wants: people contributing to Bing, not to OpenStreetMap.

Skip the middle man, and head to to edit the map! Hopefully Microsoft resolves the situation.

#openstreetmap #microsoft #bing #mapbuilder

Well this was very successful for finding new interesting people to follow! Sorry if I missed anyone that liked it, I'm sure we'll cross paths again. Thanks for all the boosts.

I am now following a brass band from Yorkshire, because naturally.

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It's so friendly here I sometimes feel awkward following people - like I should introduce myself - so a general . Also, hashtags.

I research in , Australia, using a lot of GIS, , , .

I probably followed you because I liked your thoughts about Australian , , , or , or you work at too and seem cool.

Je suis aussi capable de toot un peu de l', et j'aime suivre ça.

Thoughtful interview with one of UNSW's academic integrity experts on Chat-GPT and student assessment

I wrote a technical guide on how you can create your own aerial imagery and 3D models of streets with the built in iPhone LiDAR sensor and open source tools in the OpenDroneMap package.

I've found you can attach your iPhone to your bike and generate LiDAR point clouds of the kerb and cycleway infrastructure if you go slow!

#lidar #openstreetmap #maps #iphone #openaerialmap #cycling #infrastructure #urbanism #sydney #australia #betterstreets #opendronemap #odm #webodm

minor leagues - my partner is recovering from knee surgery with the aid of his new e-bike conversion. He brings the crutch to work because he still has trouble with stairs and getting up from seats.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!