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🌟 Únete a nosotros en nuestro próximo webinar! Como Trufi Association, junto con el proyecto Comunidad de Práctica AMAM respaldado por la Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GIZ México), exploraremos la digitalización en el transporte público y el estándar GTFS. Regístrate aquí:

¡Esperamos verte allí!

These two are so Trufi and they don't even know it.

" rely on cities that are built for cars, not for people. They rely on on lithium mining that poses a lot of threats for communities around the world especially in the global South."

"Just start funding . Make sure people have access to things around their cities."

Hmmm... Duitama and Sogoamoso are only 20 km apart, but Google can't route you from one city to the other on public transport? BusBoy can.

"Avances en la digitalización del transporte urbano en LATAM y la Movilidad como Servicio (MaaS).

"MINIEIMUS": Espacio virtual de 1.5 horas para informar y debatir sobre transporte y políticas de movilidad sostenible en Iberoamérica, con Leonardo Gutiérrez de Trufi Association.

Regístrate y obtén más información:

Evento de Lanzamiento HOY: Un Curso en Línea Abierto y Masivo para Mapear el en (). Trufi se ha asociado con Mobility Hub para ayudar a capacitar a los mejores mapeadores que impulsan para el

16:30 UTC

Disrupting Colonial Approaches To Transport Planning – a Trufi Webinar

Transportation Colonialism? Pre-packaged transport solutions, indifferent to the local context; Disregard for negative Impacts; emphasis on efficiency instead of fairness; ignoring diversity of users.

But what can be done to stop it? Find out.

Informal Transport is Resilient and Ingenious! Could your city transport service do this?

HT: Facebook/Lazy programmer (Original Title: "Fixing bug in Production")

Disrupting Colonial Approaches To Transport Planning

Traditional top-down approaches to transport planning perpetuating social inequality.

Explore the concept of transport colonialism and its impact on marginalized communities in the upcoming Trufi webinar. Learn how open data and community engagement can offer more inclusive and effective solutions.


To BRT or not to BRT, that is the research question.

"…producing spatially, economically, environmentally and politically appropriate solutions according to the local characteristics of the countries [i.e. informal transport] can be more beneficial than a single solution."

Become our Google Workspace Administrator and make a difference in streamlining collaboration and productivity! No prior API knowledge required, just excellent English speaking skills. Help manage users, groups, and permissions effectively. Join us today and enhance your admin skills!

A webinar resenting the results of a pilot project in Kampala, Uganda to bridge service gaps in Africa subsidized minibus routes. The results: benefits to women in informal employment, transport costs reduced 80%, operator revenues increased 7%.

Organized by World Resources

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!