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Is there a list of instances of @crossposter that we could join? I understand the quota, but I don't think we can justify setting up our own instance.

“Someone with a 1-hr car commute needs to earn 40% more to be as happy as someone with a short walk to work. On the other hand, if someone shifts from a long commute to a walk, their happiness increases as much as if they’d fallen in love.” #CityMakingMath

Just one of 50 reasons why everyone should want more walkable streets. In Fast Company Magazine.

#cities #urbanism #walking #streets #cars


"How we currently design our cities & towns to prioritize private cars over people reduces our mobility options + creates problems for the planet’s climate, societal equity & household budgets"

Let's build cities for people!🙌


Don't miss the TODAY 14:00 UTC/GMT on building sustainable transport data collection tools for and the global South!

Join us with @Arcadis_NA & @MobilityDataIO

Don't miss the TODAY 14:00 UTC/GMT on building sustainable transport data collection tools for and the global South!

Join us with @Arcadis_NA & @MobilityDataIO

on Wed, Jan 18: Building Transport Data Collection Tools: A Approach

Lack of data in cities results in bad planning decisions
w @ibigroup, and @MobilityData

By way of introduction...

Trufi makes all modes of sustainable transport – especially informal transport and active transport in the global South – accessible to people through the mobile phones they already use. And we give planning officials the information they need for better cities.

A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!