
what do you get a mother for Mother's Day who just lost her only child

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@bikepedantic my thought was a DoorDash/GrubHub gift card. It helps with an important care task that is hard when you’re in grief.

@bikepedantic get her a good meal and a bottle of nice booze as a bonus

@bikepedantic I'd say moral support. Also company for food/walk that's not at a common brunch spot, maybe an offer to filter her inbox, if she's comfortable with that, for all references to Mother's Day invitations or ads too

@DaTenar @bikepedantic @DrTCombs

According to movies, I think the only thing you can do in this situation is eat ice cream with each other on a park bench next to a lake

I feel like if you're asking this question, it's evidence said mother's child lives on in you. And that probably means the world to her right now.

@bikepedantic maybe honor her late daughter with a keepsake like a necklace of her birth stone if she's a jewelry person or an art print of her daughters birth flower so she's always with her in some way. Then grandchild art and crafts helps too

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