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friends -- how do your kids keep their legs warm on the ?
My 4th grader is riding her own bike now so a blanket is no longer an option.

Also taking recommendations for handlebar mitts for small people.

Thank you!!

Upcoming work schedule change means getting my kid ready to bike home from school on her own.

Our main lesson: assume people driving cars truly DGAF if you make it home in one piece.

Yesterday, this cool kid--with her bright red bike, hot pink helmet, dual blinkies, and rotating rainbow wheel lights--waited at a high-viz crosswalk in a school zone while 7 adult drivers pretended not to see her.

@BrentToderian I'm waiting for some commenter to chime in that e-assist is bad because it means the user doesn't get as much exercise. Someone always does. And (a) it's not true, but also (b) who cares????

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Today's commute was one of those "why did all y'all risk life and limb to pass me on a blind curve when we're all gonna get stuck together at the same red light 10 seconds later" kind of commutes.

Every morning, my kid and I to , riding side-by-side down a neighborhood connector road with no pedestrian or bicycle facilities. Lots of people in cars drive past us. They give us space and don't yell about not riding single file.

I like to think this is a sign of the beginnings of a culture shift in .

What color clothing am I supposed to wear around drivers who see me and just don't give a $hit?

We've got 5 kids/3 families on board for our elementary school's first ever next week!
A small but thrilling start.

It's always a surprise when a driver waits for me to ride through an intersection before turning across my path.

I mean it's both the law and good manners, yet still a surprise everytime it happens.

Hell's Front Porch season has evidently been extended in .
It was beyond hot out today, but being able to to pick my kid up from school on a shady instead of alongside several hundred heat-producing cars at least made it bearable.

More greenways, please!

Hey peeps. What US states have laws specifcally addressing minimum age for riding an ? Not just agencies specifing an age, but an actual, codified law?
And do those laws differentiate between pilot and passenger?



My bike camera is mounted almost 3' off the ground. There is zero reason for a vehicle this size to exist, much less to roam neighborhood streets while kids are out walking & biking to school.

Normally I wait until I have enough near-death experiences for a montage, but this was too bad to just sit on.

[video shows a black jeep careening around a cyclist, nearly causing a right hook collision; video POV is from the bicycle's handlebar camera]

I added in a route map, in case you find yourself in Chapel Hill with a bike and an hour to burn (in which case I very much hope you let me know):

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Some days on a bike are pure bliss. Today was one of them.

@TheWarOnCars, I am happier biking!

Public comment period is open for NC's 2026-2035 STIP (State Improvement Program).

If you care about how the state decides what transportation facilities to spend money on, please weigh in!

: what are your favorite tools for visualizing new and designs?

If you wanted to communicate how a proposed intersection or roadway redesign would look and feel to the public, what would you use?
I'm looking specifically for examples of tools that are fairly easy to use by non-experts and can create realistic renderings suitable for engagement.

Thank you!

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!